Friday, September 30, 2022

Dreams 9/30


Dreamt Ron and I were away and staying in a hotel. My two ex-sister-in-laws were staying with us for the night, and although there were two double beds, I was sleeping in one, Ron, in the other, and Krisi and Karyn were on the floor. In the morning when I came from the room there was a baggage claim outside the door. The woman working there had two big unicorn bags, one pink, one red. I told her one of them was mine, but she said, no, and that's how I lost my luggage. Then, I was on my way, alone, to Bali. I had made a dark little Asian lady friend. There was another small Asian man that came up behind her and stuck her with a needle so that she fell over backwards off the escalator. I went directly to the airport management and reported him. They asked me what his name was, and I said that I didn't know, but thought it was something like, Cho. They had a lot of television screens on the wall, They said that he had been doing this for quite some time and was getting sloppy. One man started clapping. He said that his son would be traveling to Bali with me. I don't recall his name, the son, but I would say he was about thirty-five, white, with brown hair. He said he was a Gemini. He traded my pink laptop for a heavy metal one and asked if I wanted another. Supposedly these were top of the line, and he had one, too. I told him, no. He was next to me on the plane. When we got to Bali I was with him the first day as he knew his way around and spoke the language. He was staying in the room next to mine at the hotel. You could see the ocean from the balcony and there was no glass or screen. I was wearing green silk pajamas. He kissed me, and I told him he'd have to go because my sweetheart was coming, and he did when I woke. 

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