Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Day of the Dead!

I love my new Day of the Dead Skelita, but I missed out on Jack and Sally who sold out in five minutes. Certain I'm not the only one hating the motherfucking toy hacks who are already selling them for twice as much on Ebay. Mattel ought to make more or limit to one per customer considering they already know the deal; but, they're made in commie China by child slaves likely, so they won't. Last year's Rainbow High doll's box lights up, and no doubt, she's clawsome, but she did cost more than twice as much. Also scored authentic Hexican hot chocolate for the first time for under two dollars at the little market, and it's good. Got the sugar skulls at Lidyl for Ron for about the same price. They had all colors. Got no trick-or-treaters this year, kids are that lame. I'd made up magical little goody sacks full of sweets, treats, and stickers, too. O, hex. What a bunch of LOSERS. Finished the first season of Thriller, anyways. I'm up to 1974. The houses are to die for, o, my ghoul. I love the groovy mod prints too.


Thriller - Series 1 - E07 - A Place to Die

Ignore the commie ads. Gag me! Talk about satanic! (Demonrats: as if the elections aren't 1000% RIGGED.)

Happy Halloween!

We've got a new red wine to try later, and I'm watching From a Whisper to a Scream on New Castle After Dark. It's not the best movie, but it's got Vincent Price, enough said. I've also been watching Thriller from the seventies on tubi. I enjoy trippy late sixties, early seventies things: more colorful and wyrd like me. Honestly not a Starbucks fan, but their Fall Blend is nearly as good as their Spring. Happy Halloween! 


Monday, October 30, 2023

Mars' New Dolphin Pot


Here is my sweet Mars fanging out in his new dolphin pot that Daddy bought him yesterday in the clawsome pet store in Boyertown. Meet Jack and Sally, the dragons. Sally was doing her beast to hexscape, but Jack was holding her back. It was a fangtastic pet store. They had scorpions and big creepy blue mealy worms, think they were fish food. They had an entire Betta section. Got my boys their fav Hikari bits too, the others are too big for them to swallow. There was a little black poodle jumping for joy for me to pick her up. Going to have to take my brother, here, too. 

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Boyertown Blog

The past couple of Easters we've ridden the posh Colebrook train, and last time Ron said we'd have to check-out Boyertown some time. I knew my favorite sweet cider, Frecon's, came from there, and it looked fun. It was more fun than we thought. The morning began with a funeral of a dear friend, so I wasn't counting on having such a good time. We started at Bridget's Place where Ron got me a gorgeous citrine crystal. We're going to have to go back there with my brother and drink wine and make scented candles. Then, we went to The Peppermint Stick Candy Store. That was like going back in time to Betty's. Betty's was the penny candy store we walked to from Grandma's when I was a kid. Mummy used to walk to Betty's, too. Betty was an older lady before my time. At the shop I got old fashioned clove candy and violet gum. Then, we met this fabulous lady where I got some mushroom cards to share with my many pen pals and quince hand lotion she made herself. Quince is my favorite scent, it drives me wild. Boyertown is The Bears so there are clawsome bears everywhere, my favorite is the library bear, here. We found another old theater like The Strand in Hamburg, only this place is even older, 1912. They were showing The Rocky Horror Picture Show and A Nightmare Before Christmas, seven dollars a ticket. The graves dated back to the sixteenth century. The pet store was off the hook. Check-out Yin Yang ferret bliss. There was a little black poodle hopping up and down: darling. Ron got Mars, my scarlet Betta, a new little dolphin pot. He's checking-it-out. They had an entire Betta section there, but none of their Bettas looked happy like my boys. We finished off the trip with supper at The Iron Stone, another place we must take my brother. I had an excellent drink called The Ghost Whisperer made with elderflowers and cranberry, two of my favorites. Ron loved the shepherd's pie, and my flat bread was better than my a'pizza. Plus, I got a growler of Frecon's pear cider that I'm drinking just this minute which is even better than the sweet stuff. Why can't I get Frecon's everywhere? It puts Angry Orchard to shame. After we got home Shiner and I watched Hallmark's Canadian The Legend of Sleepy Hollow from 1999. I'm accustomed to Disney's Bing Crosby and Jeff Goldblum's eighties version, both are good. I used to teach this story, so I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. What a fun fall! 

Boyertown I

Boyertown Bears

Boyertown Graves

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow


The Capris -There's A Moon Out Tonight

Dreams 10/27

Dreamt I was walking to high-school with three older men, one was bald, and one was wearing a red ball cap. It was all up hill through the slums, and there was litter scattered about. When I got there I was hanging out in an old library with a girl friend from school. She was a teenager again, and we were crafting while drinking red wine. Then, I had to walk all the way back home with the same older men. 

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Peaky Blinders

 Aw, I just finished Peaky Blinders. I love that show. It's not just the soundtrack, I could watch it all over again. Fabulous. 

Peaky Blinders

Lost Souls

Fourth time seeing Loreena McKennitt, and she was fabulous as ever. She did the entire The Visit, which is probably my favorite record of her's, being an old English teacher I love the Tennyson and Yeats. She started off with her Lost Souls record from 2017. I think I'm missing that one. Ron wants it for Thanksgiving, then. Forgot how much she rattles on. I made a Loreena doll long ago, didn't spare any exspense for that one. I'm going to have to dig her out and list her in my Ebay shop. My closets are loaded with boxes of dolls packed away. Stay tuned... 


Loreena McKennitt

Going to see Loreena for the fourth time. She's got a fangtastic band, the violinist is to die for. Had to take a selfie as this place has soo many commie rules, (no cameras), surprised I don't have to be vaxxed. Getting fucked up before I get there as they're gonna' strip search me. Anyways, got this handmade vintage seventies set on regretsy years ago. It's clawsome. Fatty McFat has Got To lose some weight as I had to put the skirt on over my head, no way it was making it past my HIPS, and I had to adjust the vest one TIT at a time. O, my ghoul...

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

I Deleted Fakebook!

I feel better already! I haven't touched the stuff since Easter. I got loaded on red wine and started calling everybody motherfuckers. But, somebody hacked my account last week, and since fakebook is only good for CONVID and rigging elections they can fuck off with Mtv, mycommiespace, and regretsy. 

Hopeless House

I want one of these to make a shallow dollhouse/ room box. I've made quite a few of them and only have The Doll Land Day Care left at this point. This house reminds me that beauty loves neglected places. (John O'Donohue)


Dreams 10/25

Two nightmares this morning that I'd tried to forget. In the first Ron and I were here, but the place was loaded with plants, more of the aquatic variety. I was sick and lying naked on the dining room table when a gang of Mexicans broke in, both male and female. Ron had gone upstairs, and I was in the dining room with a woman. It was embarrassing because I didn't have any clothes. I mostly did forget the second which involved some vicious young white boys. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Stevie Nicks Art Doll & Drawing

                                                               Stevie Nicks

Dreams 10/24


Dreamt I was working in a dark old bar. It was pretty spacious and there were wooden beams stretched across the ceiling, might've been a cellar. My shift had just began, and the place was dirty and nothing was stocked. I picked up my first table which was a four top, and one of the guests was my grade school girlfriend, Chrissy, who I haven't seen since. She was young, probably in her thirties, with the same golden curls. We were chatting for a bit before I left to put in their order. My manager, an older man with white hair and a mustache, was getting bossy with me and said that a customer had filed a complaint against me. 

The next dream has mostly escaped me, all I remember is interviewing a Peaky Blinder. 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Destination New Hope

Lucky my brother came for a visit this weekend, we always have a good time. I made my best mushroom a'pizza yet. This time we took the New Hope train. I was first in New Hope when I was in high-school, I wanted to live there. I could never afford it. Third time is a charm, and I got my first souvenir: a Dutch rabbit puppet I bought at the train station, I call, Hopeless. Since the parking lot was so jammed we missed the first train and had to lay over at Mike Kelly's Irish Pub, a two-hundred-and-seven-year-old house with a clawsome bartender. That was fun. The train ride was beautiful, but the parking was an outrageous scam: (Planet Scam). They don't let you know until you're on your way out that it's twenty bucks an hour to park at the station. The sickest part of that is that I didn't see Fuckerberg, Michael Oogie Booger, Killary, or that Ga-Ga Guy anywhere, it was families taking the expensive train rides. And, the train was nice, but nothing like the posh Colebrook in Boyerstown with free parking and a much bigger lot. Anyways, got home and watched Dracula: Dead & Loving It before falling asleep to Elvira Mistress of the Dark. Good times. 

New Hope Get-away


Station Man

Friday, October 20, 2023

Green Acres Full Episodes

Still, best show ever. 

Dreams 10/20


Dreamt that I was cleaning out an enormous dorm room. Seems I was the last of my roommates to leave and was left with a huge mess. The place was painted white and had long old-fashioned windows. There were all sorts of bins full of old cards and papers scattered about the floor. I remember a card with a little brown and white dog signed by Mummy. There were a couple Little Golden Books and several dolls. One was a seventies sort of baby doll, she was white and naked. Another was a big broken doll in a blue dress with a black sash. There were two handmade ragdolls and two paper-doll ragdolls who I'd tried to give to a man and two women who stopped in, but they didn't want them. My parents were outside in the loaded car. There were also a couple of girls from Texas outside who I was talking to. When I went back in the building a resident advisor handed me a dust bin and a brush. I found two Barbies in a box that I'd forgotten about, one was called Enchanted Evening, and the other was Beauty Secrets, I think, but she was a dark haired lady, maybe Asian. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Making Old-Fashioned Dolls

I love a lot of doll books about antiques, doll houses, and making dolls, but this is a favorite that I go back to again and again. It's by Venus Dodge. I use it mostly for Georgian types or wooden dolls, but that's not all. It's loaded with instructions and patterns to make all sorts of dolls and their wardrobes. The patterns are easily adaptable, and it's perfect for the crafty types that covet expensive antiques. I highly recommend it for anybody with a bit of imagination who is handy with needles and thread. 


The Peddler

                                                                 The Peddler

Mammoth Tusk Restoration (without knowing how)

Dreams 10/18

Dreamt I had just come home, here, with my ex, his little sister, who was actually an old student of mine, a black girl, and not his sister at all, and his mother, who was not present in the dream, but she lived in the house. We were in the den, the three of us, and it was daylight. His sister had cancer. There was a big broken doll of mine in the corner of the room against the wall. She had strawberry blonde hair and wore light denim overalls. I was trying to reattach her vinyl limbs by means of hooks and pins, and was somewhat successful when I looked up and saw a big dark haired headless doll stretched across the top of the wall. She had blue jeans and a rainbow top. The girl told me she put her there. 

In the next dream I lived in a big old house with a wrap-around porch. I was having a birthday party for myself, and loads of my old students were there. I was baking all sorts of cookies and stacking them on round tin party trays at the crowded tables. I was also baking cookies for them to take home. The ones I remember were sticky pastry types, knotted like pretzels. They had some fruit like pineapple. The cookies were only the first course, but I was so busy that I woke before getting to the food. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Werewolf Romanian Wine

 Both the Cabernet and Merlot are good. Who knew? Don't like German wine, but the Spanish stuff is good. I got this last year for five dollars after Halloween. Rahr, it's clawsome. Back to Peaky Blinders, it's got all of my favorite music too. 

Savages - "Adore"

Peaky Blinders has the best soundtrack ever. 


 Stuffing some squash for supper I only just realized by left-over happen stance that stuffing is a lot better if you use soup instead of water. In this case I used quinoa red vegetable soup which is creamy, but I suppose mushroom, onion, or celery would work just as well. 

Monday, October 16, 2023

Jeannie in Harem Scare 'Em

 Jeannie looks alive in Donatella's latest creation, Harem Scare 'Em. This is the second in her Donatella Does Yuletide collection expected by the new year. 

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Dreams 10/15


Dreamt that I was teaching a couple of plays, I think they were Greek tragedies. We were outside in costumes and my friend, Janeen, from high-school, was there. Why I was the lead I wouldn't know. Maybe Jocasta from Oedipus or something of that sort?

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Ew: Merlin!

Fuck sakes, I read TRINITY, alright. 

Sinéad O'Connor - I Am Stretched on Your Grave - 1990

Do I miss cra cra Sinead? You Know it. Bet the vax got her. 

1954 Diablos - The Wind

Scott English High On A Hill


George Benson - Give Me The Night (Official Music Video) [HD Remaster]

Just the Two of Us (feat. Bill Withers)

Smokey Robinson - Being With You

Bell Biv DeVoe - Poison

That green and purple hair is a warning just like with the frogs. 

Memory Book

A friend had mentioned that he saved his concert tickets, and the opera house's enormous scrap book last night has inspired me to share my latest memory book, which really only goes back about five years. It's full of tickets, maps, cards, letters, and more. And, as you can see, there is always something waiting to get into the memory book. This one is busting, nearly full. Hint: use a glue stick, wet glue makes the ink on the tickets run. There is a box, perhaps still, at home, with my brother, brimming with old tickets like BOWIE, letters, poems, cards, etcetera. I always destroyed any incriminating evidence, however, so that won't be found in my memory box. Never happened. 


Dreams 10/14

 Dreamt that I had stopped in to visit with my brother, but I told him I couldn't stay long. He had a huge glass display case like you'd see in a fancy gift shop. It was locked but full of Dawn dolls, some of which I'd sold, others that I've never had: Connie majorette, another majorette, Kip, the Buttercups & Moonbeams gown, some purple plastic boots and lots more. 

Friday, October 13, 2023

The Gathering Gloom

The Gathering Gloom has become one of my favorite bands, such a good time. This is the second time we were lucky enough to catch them at the Mauch Chunk Opera, a venue we've grown to love since the first time we saw a magic lantern show there many moons ago. Had to make a last minute wardrobe adjustment with a hole under the arm of my thirty-year-old top, but kept the pants I got at Contempo Casuals on sale at the mall in my twenties. Yes, they're tighter than when I wore them to see the real Cure in my thirties, working on that. Dancing tonight didn't hurt. Funny thing but while upstairs I opened the scrapbook right to when Jonathan Frid, aka Barnabas Collins, was there. Seems he was working on a film in the Packer mansion, think North & South. Got a tee shirt that is purple and black with trees, crows, and a cat. It says Okay Gloomer. Some queer told me I was a wonderful dancer. Can't do much better than that. 


Dreams 10/13

Dreamt that I was living in a forest  in a spacious wooden house full of light and exposed raw light pine beams, railings, staircases, and banisters. The place was lofty with many nooks and hidden rooms. My housemates were my ex and two  women, the younger had just come to stay, and the other seemed to think my ex was infatuated with her. I can't recall much more of the dream having dreamt it early on and gone back to sleep. 

Thursday, October 12, 2023

THE DOORS - The Changeling (Lyric Video)

April March - Chick Habit Lyrics

Death Proof - Hold Tight (Lyric Video)

M.I.A. - Bad Girls (Lyrics)

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Red Right Hand Lyrics (Peaky Blinders)

Henry Lee - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds (Lyrics)

Mazzy Star - Ghost highway lyrics

Fu Manchu - Godzilla (Karaoke)

Black Sabbath - Iron Man [Lyrics] HQ

Black Sabbath - Sweet Leaf (lyrics)

Black Sabbath - Fairies Wear Boots [Lyrics] HQ

Dreams 10/11

Dreamt that I was in a class, although my Aunt Judy was the teacher, she wasn't present in the dream. The classroom was a lavishly decorated eighteenth-century room in the style of Versailles: gilt armoires, silk settees, and rich drapery. I had to be in eighteenth-century costume: my gown was green embellished with tiny crystalline beads, I wore pale stockings, high heeled matching satin slippers with gems and lace, complete with a pale pink wig that I wore over a stocking cap. I had to take a bath in the old marble claw foot bath tub, but the boys had left it full of dirty dark water, so first, I had to drain and disinfect it. Then, my Grandpap Andres was there, in a blue satin waistcoat and tricorner hat with a white feather. He was sitting on an ottoman and held a walking stick in hand. He was there to surprise Aunt Judy. My old neighbor, Mark, was also part of the dream and dressed in period costume. He was an esteemed member of the class. I gave him a tiny pewter doll, and he put it in a drawer in the armoire. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

It's so Cute ☀️ Easy Owl Making Idea with Yarn - You will Love these Owl...

Dreams 10/10

Dreamt that I was riding a bus in Pittsburgh and for some daft reason I decided to get off in Oakland and walk home to West Mifflin. Instead of going left, I went right, which led me to an old derelict bridge with crumbling red bricks and rust. Of course I was lost, so I went back to the right and was walking along back streets and alleys. First, I ran into my girlfriend, Laurie, from grade school. We were walking along and chatting, but somehow I lost her, likely as I was scrambling across rooftops and down fire escapes. I was calling Laurie's name when a young man found me. I was walking with him awhile too. At this point the dream gained a rare soundtrack: I Wish that I Knew What I Know Now When I was Younger. Now, it was getting dark. I lost that young man, too, then, came across Tom, who was very like a friend from college, though not quite. He had curly sandy colored hair and was fit and tan. Unlike my Arien college friend, this guy was a Gemini, and I took him all the way home to West Mifflin with me, then, the dream got better. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Penpals (England)

 Very nice parcel from Liverpool today. I have the best penpals, always have. Just now I need a nap, the weather change makes me sleepy, won't need the tea just yet... 

Monster High Mysteries FULL Episodes 1-8! | Monster High

So, Cleo and Frankie are gay, Twyla is retarded, really smart, and cute, and there's a black woman in charge. Did I mention the new $150 MH dolls? I Must get back to O, My Ra! We're Not Proud has been cancelled. 

Oh, My Hermes!

 Montezuma has had a baby, I'm calling him, Hermes. I didn't know that snails were hermaphrodites. If he has another I'm calling her Aphrodite. 

Monday, October 9, 2023

#1 Cancer Expert: The WORST Food That Feeds Cancer Cells

Old-fashioned Herb Garden

I want an old-fashioned herb garden like Joanna Furnace has. I've been working on it in small patches over the years having read a book from The Met about medieval monks and cloister gardens like in The Lady and the Unicorn tapestry. I have lavender, woad, soapwort, and have planted other things such as sage and thyme, but I want to plant a raised garden like this. I want to fill it with useful things. 


Keeping it Spooky with Starlight


A Tale of Two Forest Rats