Saturday, December 31, 2022

O, My Ra! New Year's Special

How to Disappear Completely

Dreams 12/30 & Happy New Year!

Been so neglectful recording my dreams these days that they're forgotten. Last night I dreamt I was back in college with my bitch roommate. Our dorm room was huge and looked more like an antique store it was so full of knick-knacks. I recall brass candlesticks and glass shelves. I don't remember a lot about the very long dream except that I was moving out and my roommate was there, bitchy as ever. 

The next dream concerned my brother, and too bad I don't remember much else. My mind wonders. 

Happy New Year! 

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Dreams 12/22

As usual with the snow came many dreams. First, I did not record last night's dream as it was filthy, so I will mention a condensed, washed, version. It involved prostitutes, porn, and dirty old men. There was a dark haired woman who stood out. Everybody had their bodies painted, and I do not think they were tattoos, rather, body paint like you'd see at a carnival, and in fact, the entire dream had a carnival feel to it. People were copulating on dirty shelves, which were something like bleachers, only more like a pigeon coop. 

So, on to tonight's dream, which was a lot better. I was in a big old house in New Orleans. The big fat woman who owned it was giving me a tour and took a liking to me. The place was full of antiques. We'd gotten to talking, and she invited me to stay. I was having dinner with two other women. One of them was to be my roommate. She'd handed both the other lady and me joints tied with a burlap string. I ordered red wine. We were talking about Gettysburg and how the big lady that owned the place would come to stay there in trade, like a swap. We were discussing trading in general: antiques. When I got back to my room I called my sweetheart, and he had planned to come join us with his friend, Mike. 

The Missing 411 & The Fae Theory | Part 2

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Laurel and Hardy - Jitterbugs (1943) full movie

Wanted to watch a documentary on faery lore, but that Irish fool lost me in under three minutes. Laurel and Hardy, on the other hand, have yet to let me down. 

Dreams 12/21

Dreamt I was in my car driving down a steep cobblestone road when a man was motioning that I had to turn around. There was a lot of hub bub and they had closed a metal gate blocking the way. Another motorist told me there was a dead woman and paramedic up ahead. I could see a man splayed across the street. Suddenly some kid in a red flannel shirt was driving my car. He was white with sandy hair and a pinkish complexion. He might've been one of my former students only I had never seen him in the waking world. He had a weak chin. Somehow as only happens in dreams I knew he was the killer, only now, he seemed to be dead. I was trying to get some help, but nobody was paying attention when I began to push my car up the hill. Then, my car was an empty dolly that I was pulling. I thought I was imagining all of this, and continued pulling it when some tall woman with long curly hair told me, "That's not your car," I think she was a trannie. Anyways, she was doing something odd with a white seat and electrical plug. I said, that wasn't my seat, either, when I spotted my car at the bottom of the hill, complete with my very real, Faeries Exist, sticker. I came upon it, and started to push again when the boy woke. Again, I tried to get help. This time others came, and I told them, "Look! He isn't dead!" I yanked him out of my car and threw him on to the street. Now, I was finally back in the driver's seat, only could not find my keys. The punk started wailing rocks at my car when I woke myself. 

organ blues t.rex

Happy Solstice!


Dreams 12/20

Had forgotten my dreams the past couple nights, too bad, they were wild. I know the first one was too wild to record. Anyways, last night I dreamt a boy from high school, John, was here with one of my old students, Michael. Sounds like Peter Pan, and I am something of a Wendy Bird. John said that Michael's bag of weed was not going to have a gold star anymore. 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Dreams 12/18

Dreamt that I was talking to a boy who I related this story to. In the dream it was true. I told him my Dad had a bad heart and passed away and was buried. He still showed up for my wedding, and Mummy saw him burrow back into his grave from the window the next day. Mummy was living in a big white Victorian house. 

Christmas with Big Tiny Little 1961

Dracubutter's Christmas

Monday, December 12, 2022

Dreams 12/12

Dreamt I was at a huge indoor flea market, the place went on and on. It was also a mess, stuff just piled-up. There wasn't a lot of good stuff, no dolls. I ran into my old neighbor, Bobby, and his wife, there. Ron was there, too. There was a tiny musical instrument case underneath some rubbish on the floor. When I opened it I saw it was an electric guitar, silver, and looked like it was made for a two-year-old. I was showing Ron, and for some reason said Putin would like it. 

New Castle After Dark presents Curse of the Black Widow

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Cookie Carol Card

Cookie Carol

                                            Cookie Carol

The snickerdoodle was so sweet
naughty biscotti turned up the heat.
He took her for a tart.
She knew he was randy
and better than candy
right from the start.
But, she was so sassy,
cussed-out the pecan tassie,
saying he was nuts.
The chocolate chip didn't
give her any lip,
thinking she'd eat him alive,
but the oatmeal cookie
was truly a rookie
and thought he'd join in the jive.
The dirty old thumbprint
was a bit lit
and not to be out-shined,
attempted a rap and a rhyme.
Peanut butter blossom
thought it awesome
and hummed a beat in time.
The gingerbread
with icing on his head
was half baked.
He tried to dance
while he had the chance,
and this is what he said,
"Sprinkled and snowballs,
raisin and rag dolls, 
berries, fairies, 
pralines and pizzelles, 
snowmen and church bells,
gather round and hear!
It isn't too late
to get off your plate
and join with a cup of good cheer!"

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Root Market

I was at The Root Market in Lancaster for the first time, and this is the prettiest poinsettia I've ever had. It's small, delicate, lacy, and fuchsia. I also got a beautiful beaded little barn owl and a new crystal with phantoms, chlorite, rainbows, and maybe even a deva. I had a good black Russian bagel, too. The antiques store wasn't even vintage and smelled bad. The place was overpriced, and the animals were packed in pens, which made me want to cry, so I won't be back, but it was fun, and there is a very nice furniture shop there. 



Ancient Apocalypse

I'm starting this while crafting pomander oranges. Think I'm going to like it. Realize half of what they taught me in school was a lie. 

Ancient Apocalypse

Dreams 12/6

Dreamt I was home in my parents' kitchen at the table with my sweetheart, we were in high school. We had an English quiz the next day covering three or four short stories, but for some reason I hadn't read them and did not even know what they were, neither did he. This was very unlike me and I was paging through my big blue paperback omnibus trying to figure out the stories. Finally discovered one was written by Brooke Shields so was trying to read it. It took place in an old house, and there was a girl.