Thursday, December 22, 2022

Dreams 12/22

As usual with the snow came many dreams. First, I did not record last night's dream as it was filthy, so I will mention a condensed, washed, version. It involved prostitutes, porn, and dirty old men. There was a dark haired woman who stood out. Everybody had their bodies painted, and I do not think they were tattoos, rather, body paint like you'd see at a carnival, and in fact, the entire dream had a carnival feel to it. People were copulating on dirty shelves, which were something like bleachers, only more like a pigeon coop. 

So, on to tonight's dream, which was a lot better. I was in a big old house in New Orleans. The big fat woman who owned it was giving me a tour and took a liking to me. The place was full of antiques. We'd gotten to talking, and she invited me to stay. I was having dinner with two other women. One of them was to be my roommate. She'd handed both the other lady and me joints tied with a burlap string. I ordered red wine. We were talking about Gettysburg and how the big lady that owned the place would come to stay there in trade, like a swap. We were discussing trading in general: antiques. When I got back to my room I called my sweetheart, and he had planned to come join us with his friend, Mike. 

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