Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Cookie Carol

                                            Cookie Carol

The snickerdoodle was so sweet
naughty biscotti turned up the heat.
He took her for a tart.
She knew he was randy
and better than candy
right from the start.
But, she was so sassy,
cussed-out the pecan tassie,
saying he was nuts.
The chocolate chip didn't
give her any lip,
thinking she'd eat him alive,
but the oatmeal cookie
was truly a rookie
and thought he'd join in the jive.
The dirty old thumbprint
was a bit lit
and not to be out-shined,
attempted a rap and a rhyme.
Peanut butter blossom
thought it awesome
and hummed a beat in time.
The gingerbread
with icing on his head
was half baked.
He tried to dance
while he had the chance,
and this is what he said,
"Sprinkled and snowballs,
raisin and rag dolls, 
berries, fairies, 
pralines and pizzelles, 
snowmen and church bells,
gather round and hear!
It isn't too late
to get off your plate
and join with a cup of good cheer!"

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