Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Let Me Rearrange That Too

  Frankie is relentless. My shakers I got in Hawaii when I was nine are now top shelf in the hall closet. Here he is in one of his many favorite spots, on the baker's rack. I'm working on rearranging that too. Other favorite places for Frankie to raid are behind the microwave, in the kitchen cupboards, (he's there right now), in the dishwasher, in the dryer, on the rooftops of my dollhouses that he can no longer check in to, and of course on top of my aquariums. Oh, look, he's terrorizing Cupid right now.

   Zsu Zse sold in twenty minutes along with most of the other dolls that I have listed and blogged about lately. I have some major Doll Magic going on just now. I wish I was not so looking forward to my Gettysburg trip. I don't like any kind of anticipation or expectations. That only leads to disapointment; I prefer to wing it. 

  When I took my little frog back to the pet store today in exchange for some Betta treats that Frankie had dumped all over the floor I saw a couple of gorgeous platinum Bettas and a marvelous baby blue twin tail half moon. I always see Bettas that I want when I have not got the room for them. Oh, hex. Anyway, TTYL, Ron is home and I've got to finish his supper. He 💖 Frankie. 


Let Me Rearrange That Too

  Frankie is relentless. My shakers I got in Hawaii when I was nine are now top shelf in the hall closet. Here he is in one of his many favo...