Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Anne Bronte, Eisenhower, & Lovecraft! Oh, My!

   The internet had blown out with the WIND the past couple days. We went to a library book sale over the weekend, and I got a pile of books, so was able to catch up with my reading with Frankie cuddled next to me keeping me warm. All of the drastic renovations I've been forced into making for him have worked out. The aquariums are much healthier and happier in their new positions. I've come to notice that corners of the house towards the outside are not good positions for aquariums to prosper. Frankie still gets up on top of the glass cube as if he was in a Hawaiian glass bottomed boat. He did no real damage to The Collins Port Inn. I was even able to restore the Japanese screen I've had for thirty years. It's much better off against the wall where he cannot check in, out of the sun. I was just telling my grade school girlfriend that I binge everything including reading, always have. So when you witness me quoting Anne Bronte today do not judge to think I've been reading this book, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, about life with an alcoholic, for years. I have. I'm up to about page 400 of 500. Last year was a writing year, so I did not finish a lot of books. I'm still reading Brooke Shield's There Was a Little Girl, Catherine Cookson, BATTLEFIELD, and Hitty too. In fact, I'm reading well over a dozen books at a time, which is a lot even for me, but they are all very good, so I cannot help myself. I'm learning tons in Ambrose's Eisenhower biography including little wonder that like New Orleans, where the author is from, I always knew I loved Ike without reason. As the preface says, he was a good and great man. Mamie, too, is even better than my paper dolls make out. But, I'm not quoting that nor The Bolelyn Inheritence, or The Doll People today. The later quotes are from the second book I picked up at the sale after the first signed Jewish French, (I might have found Shushy & Woo, Y'all: Shih Tzu Chiahuahua mutts), quiche cookbook only now we can't afford $8 eggs at the little market due to New World Order BS, that are going to end up getting wasted as my dream, as nobody is dropping that at the bargain market. Holy cow, tangents, I'm trying to get to Jason Colavito's The Cult of Alien Gods H.P. Lovecraft and Extraterrestrial Pop Culture, a title that gives The Three Witches Magic Shoppe Adventures in Doll Land a run for its money.

 🤘😝🤘  I would send this book to my brother when I am finished if I thought he would read it. I suppose he would not think much of it, not being a Lovecraft fan, bur I think it is off the hook! The author is a lot of fun and spelling out what I've always known about the fanciful alien BS I used to 🤣😂🤣 with Ron's ninety-year-old mother about while my little nonreading brother was watching Ancient Aliens. I'd tell her how they sure thought we were stupid. Anyway, the book begins with Night Gallery and acknowleges Graham Hancock.It's about how all of the alien talk is directly related to Lovecraft, and it is a real hoot! I 💗 it. I have to make supper, so will TTYL, in the meantime, enjoy the quotes. 

"My dear child, I am not. Those are bad words, and wicked people often say them of others better than themselves. Those words cannot make people damned, nor show that they deserve it. God will judge us by our own thoughts and deeds, not spoken, Arthur, remember never to repeat them: it is wicked to say such things of others, not to have them said against you." Anne Bronte

"that not only does the invisible world that encompasses us contain Intelligences vastly superior to our knowledge of the Truth, but that it is possible for man to enter communion with these hidden and silent ones, and to be taught of them the Divine mysteries of Time and of Eternity." Jason Colavito

The Three Witches Magic Shoppe Adventures in Doll Land

Brando & Elvis were Native American

    Beginning to get more than a little pissy about the fact that I'm claiming Brando and Elvis way more Native American than Fauxcohont...