Thursday, November 21, 2024

Incoming! Nightmares!

   Yeah, this one won't wait for Dana's Dreams Two!


 Very scary morning for nightmares: first, I was in New Orleans with my old college roommate, Kelly. We were just walking the streets one evening when we witnessed a robbery. After that the goons were after us. We were about to receive some police protection when the one detective, an older man in a white suit, took a spill and dropped his tiny silver revolver. After that we were on the run and on our own. We ducked into a strange white building with a big glass front window. We were hiding here awhile, (I have no idea what the place was, and there weren’t any good hiding spaces), when we were spotted, and I lost Kelly. I ran into another place that was dimly lit. There were four huge pots of cold soup. There was another woman there, and I asked if we could hide in the pots. She said we could, and we climbed in. I was hiding in an enormous pot of thick, warm, gumbo when I awoke covered in sweat and had to change my Frog and Toad sweatshirt where Toad wants to take it easy and stay in bed. 

  It got worse from there. Mummy and I were walking the far perimeter of Clover Crest, Houston Drive, only it was more wooded and had a running stream. I spotted what looked like a huge spotted salamander big as a Gila Monster. It rose up on two legs and came towards us. It was very slick and had a cavity between its legs. I picked up a long sharp stick and speared it in the cavity. That’s when to our horror it changed into our neighbor, Chris Birchin, who I dumped into the stream. I was feeling very guilty as if I had murdered Chris as we started down the hill, home. Just then a beautiful woman, at least eight feet tall, in a flowing peach gown, with long soft brown curls and fangs came up on us. We were polite, but I was scared. Mummy was holding Shiner, the Jack Russell, and telling the woman, “We love him very much”. As we left her Mummy warned me not to leave Shiner out unattended as she did not trust the giant. Then I passed some Rose of Sharon shrubs that were hung with little lanterns decorated with glittering puffy stickers depicting old-fashioned girls with long auburn hair. One of these came to life and stood before me. I followed the girl into a sparsely furnished white room where a small crowd had gathered around a tall young shirtless man. The girl said something about Jesus, as I see in my dream notebook, something like, “So help me, Jesus,” climbed unto the boy, and the two of them sprang into a dark vine with curling tendrils that grew before my eyes. You would see them, the girl and boy, pop up at the end of one of the tendrils, like a bud, only a couple of inches high, then reappear on another. This is when I woke for the second time and jotted down the notes. This is one of my scariest nightmares. I hope to use both of them, somehow, in Fanging with Claude

No Wonder

  No wonder Merlin died, he was terrorized. Sir Frankie Crisp might've had me up at four this morning insistent on snuggabe, but he is a...