Saturday, November 30, 2024

Frankie's First Thanksgiving


Of Course I'll Rearrange the House

   For Frankie. This guy walks in and out of cupboards. He's relentless. He's a great organizational guru and could be an interventionist on Hoarders. I've recently learned that silver tabbies are the most ancient and curious of cats. I believe it. ✨

Wednesday, November 27, 2024



  "Again, that reminder or remainder of humanity wafted on the air, and it startled me. I thought I might be going mad. 

  Having respect for the dead means that future generations don't pave over cemeteries for parking lots. Cemeteries are paved over, on occasion, but it is the exception rather than the rule. There is no law, however, that says cemeteries can't be tourist attractions. A headstone, plain or fancy, reminds onlookers that so-and-so existed within the confines of two dates. If the carved numerals are decipherable, a moment of mental arithmetic ensues, a calculation of how old so-and-so lived to be. 

  In Harrisonburg there are more than 250 Confederate graves in a quadrant of the oldest cemetery. Each small marble marker reads like a word in a chilling sentence, or a sentence in a numbing chapter. The regularity with which the markers are placed, row upon row like a marching battalion, suggests an orderliness, a solidarity of purpose. The Southern Cause is given shape and substance. I know it is an act of practicality, the organizing of corpses in a limited space, but still the geometry of the graves disturbs me. Death for any cause, lost or won, is not quite so cut and dried as a cemetery layout."

Peter Svenson

  We just got back from the casino. Frankie and I are about to make more pumpkin muffins from Shannen O'Lantern. I froze some. 

Happy Thanksgiving! 🍂

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Schoenhut Dolls

We're in. We will be going to The William Penn afterall. I'm feeling a little ew, today. Frankie and I were up all night watching Mama's Family. I only just discovered that you can rent an entire farmhouse through The Dobbin House on Little Round Top in Gettysburg that sleeps ten and has a kitchen and laundry. Anyways, good news so I'll TTYL... 💖

Thursday, November 21, 2024

A Man on the Inside | Official Trailer | Netflix

Daddy loved Ted Danson, Mummy hated him. I loved this series, it's adorable. It reminds me of Daddy. He would've loved it too. 💓

Incoming! Nightmares!

   Yeah, this one won't wait for Dana's Dreams Two!


 Very scary morning for nightmares: first, I was in New Orleans with my old college roommate, Kelly. We were just walking the streets one evening when we witnessed a robbery. After that the goons were after us. We were about to receive some police protection when the one detective, an older man in a white suit, took a spill and dropped his tiny silver revolver. After that we were on the run and on our own. We ducked into a strange white building with a big glass front window. We were hiding here awhile, (I have no idea what the place was, and there weren’t any good hiding spaces), when we were spotted, and I lost Kelly. I ran into another place that was dimly lit. There were four huge pots of cold soup. There was another woman there, and I asked if we could hide in the pots. She said we could, and we climbed in. I was hiding in an enormous pot of thick, warm, gumbo when I awoke covered in sweat and had to change my Frog and Toad sweatshirt where Toad wants to take it easy and stay in bed. 

  It got worse from there. Mummy and I were walking the far perimeter of Clover Crest, Houston Drive, only it was more wooded and had a running stream. I spotted what looked like a huge spotted salamander big as a Gila Monster. It rose up on two legs and came towards us. It was very slick and had a cavity between its legs. I picked up a long sharp stick and speared it in the cavity. That’s when to our horror it changed into our neighbor, Chris Birchin, who I dumped into the stream. I was feeling very guilty as if I had murdered Chris as we started down the hill, home. Just then a beautiful woman, at least eight feet tall, in a flowing peach gown, with long soft brown curls and fangs came up on us. We were polite, but I was scared. Mummy was holding Shiner, the Jack Russell, and telling the woman, “We love him very much”. As we left her Mummy warned me not to leave Shiner out unattended as she did not trust the giant. Then I passed some Rose of Sharon shrubs that were hung with little lanterns decorated with glittering puffy stickers depicting old-fashioned girls with long auburn hair. One of these came to life and stood before me. I followed the girl into a sparsely furnished white room where a small crowd had gathered around a tall young shirtless man. The girl said something about Jesus, as I see in my dream notebook, something like, “So help me, Jesus,” climbed unto the boy, and the two of them sprang into a dark vine with curling tendrils that grew before my eyes. You would see them, the girl and boy, pop up at the end of one of the tendrils, like a bud, only a couple of inches high, then reappear on another. This is when I woke for the second time and jotted down the notes. This is one of my scariest nightmares. I hope to use both of them, somehow, in Fanging with Claude

Monday, November 18, 2024

If Not for You (2014 Remaster)

Frankie Says

  Mummy has yet to do my Taurean chart, but she knows, I rule. ✨


Sir Frankie Crisp Sings for his Supper

Dream Notebooks


  So many dreams to report, and I scribbled them in my dream notebook in the dark, so it’s like automatic writing and will require some deciphering and translating. First, Tim was here in the dining room and admired my high school class ring that I wasn’t wearing. Ron had an adorable buff colored rat terrier who looked like he had a mustache. The word, “steam”, is written in my dream book, but I can’t remember what it referred to: some sort of cleaning, I think. Maybe Frankie, the cat, had to be steam cleaned, but I can’t be sure. 

  Then I was walking my old grade school route to school, my old girlfriend, Stephanie Schwerian, was sitting on the steps. She wore a soft powder blue sweater, and her hair was longer. She mentioned something to me about “woke ass Irish” according to my dream script. I’m not sure what that refers to, but I think it had something to do with my tall dark haired boyfriend, Brian, who I also used to work with in a bar in the South Side. It wasn’t grade school, it was an enormous industrial high school, very stainless steel. I was driving my car, then, and Brian was in the passenger seat. There was a naked pink pearlescent Monster High doll with wavy blonde hair who was positioned backwards with her ass against the dashboard. Somehow she was interfering with my driving. “Gas tank” is scribbled in the notes, then, “stop”. I think I had told Brian that my gas gauge was broken, and he had me stop. 

  Then I dreamed of a broken glass cabinet in the bathroom that hung over the sink. 

  Finally, the show stopper: I was an English teacher and was hosting a big Halloween party. I had rented a hall. What was more, there had been a national essay contest sponsored by somebody, and people that weren’t even my students, like Theresa, had entered. I had given a guy with auburn hair a cassette tape which I thought had old Smiths cover songs that my friends and I had performed. I got the results of the essay contest and Theresa had won first prize, $ 2,700, that in the dream I kept wondering if it was $27,000. An old student of mine, Allen, I think, had also won second or third prize, $2,600. While I was in the bathroom I could hear the tape playing, and it wasn’t me and my friends, rather old Smiths. There was a dark haired girl in there with me who was kind of picking on me for that. I was not perturbed. I sort of joked with the guy about thinking it had been us. Then, a girl, who looked like his twin sister in a lace blouse, showed me a white chandelier type of necklace that she wore around her neck. It was for holding your joint, and as she held it between her fingers she sang a little supposed Smiths song all about it. Theresa was there, and I was thinking she should have it for winning the contest. I was also thinking that Ron really could sing like Morrissey and suggested to the guy that Ron and I should sing a cover song. I awoke with, “Hang the DJ”, playing in my head. 

  Kudos to my dream notebook. If not for it I only would’ve remembered the final dream.

I haven't blogged my dreams in over a month. They've been going directly to Dana's Dreams Two. I started that back in June, and I'm around page forty-five. You can get Dana's Dreams here:

It is available as a paperback or ebook. It has some watercolors and photographs. So far Dana's Dreams Two does not. I don't know if it will, so it might be a lot more reasonable in paperback than the first. They are big books.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Frankie Says

  I'm a handsome baby. ✨

  Frankie is a good boy. His worst flaw is that he licks me. I have to kick him out of bed for that. I can't take the licking. 😝 He was on the rooftop of Marie's Chateau, they think there is a monster on the prowl. 

  Trumpy fish has cleaned all of the scum from my aquarium. I've had real algae problems in that tank. I had no idea Bubble Mollies were better housekeepers than catfish and snails. There are three cats in that tank, none of them work as hard as Melania and Trump. Who knew? 


Pottsgrove Manor and Saint Michael's Cemetery

  Available as an ebook, soon to be released in paperback, Pottsgrove Manor and Saint Michael's Cemetery is another Pennsylvania picture book. They are so much fun. For me they are memory albums that I can share around the world. This one has one-hundred-and-thirty full color pages. DARK SHADOWS fans ought to love Pottsgrove Manor as much as I do. I almost expected Angelique to pop out at me with a doll. 

Pottsgrove Manor and Saint Michael's Cemetery 

Visit Pottsgrove Manor


Saturday, November 16, 2024

Pottsgrove Manor & St. Michael's Cemetery

  Had a fun time at Saint Michael's Cemetery in Birdsboro; there are Revolutionary and Civil War soldiers there. Found Pottsgrove Manor completely by accident. Think Grandpap and Daddy led me there as the founder of Pottstown was also the first blast furnace manager in Pennsylvania. I'm not fond of tours, but the guide is so knowledgeable and engaging.The museum gift shop is wonderful, full of handmade candles, soap, tea, redware, cards, and lots more. Had supper at one of my favorite places, The Douglasville Hotel. They deepfry pretzels like Rachel's Roadhouse in Mercer. Slippery Rock alumni know what I'm talking about. A paperback picture and ebook ought to be available on Amazon soon. I'll keep you updated. 


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Frankie Says

  Play time after lunch, & Norwegian trout is even better than wood. ✨

Offline today playing catch-up: 



Sunday, November 10, 2024

TRUMP WON AGAIN - Loza Alexander - (Official Audio)


A Schoenhut Christmas at The William Penn

Frannie, my Schoenhut, and I are excited, Ron is taking us to A Schoenhut Christmas at The William Penn Inn! I've never been there, but it is from 1714, and is the oldest operating inn in Pennsylvania! Frannie and I are going to get dressed up. Ron has the best ideas. He didn't even know that I had a Schoenhut. Of course I do! She is very special to me too. 



Laurel Hill Cemetery: Picture Paperback & Ebook

  Available in paperback or ebook, Laurel Hill Cemetery is another Pennsylvania picture book with 107 color photographs of a late autumn day in an old Philadelphian cemetery. The paperback has a new poem on the back.

Friday, November 8, 2024


   No better way to celebrate the world's big win than at your favorite Hexican joint in a new dress. The clowns and morons might drown in their own stupid tears for all I care! Gloat, Gloat, Gloat! 🤣🤣🤣

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Doc Holliday | Full Western Movie

  Frankie is in his rocking Archie Bunker chair, and I've got some pear cider and Malbec. I like mixing them with some pomegranate seeds for fun. I'm sort of over the moon. Doc Holliday is a hero of mine. I wrote a paper on him in grad school. I was the only girl in the class. Of course I got an A. I still see my professor on The History Channel now and then. Doc deserves a novel. Maybe after Fanging with Claude

Elton John, Kiki Dee - Don't Go Breaking My Heart (with Kiki Dee)

  Might be deplorable, maybe garbage, but we've done nothing to break Sir Frankie Crisp's 💖. No wonder people want to give me their cats and little native kids. I rock! Commies are only good for sucking. 

Drowning In Their Tears: Elites Panic At 2024 Election Results


  🤔 The smartest cat in the world has been dropped in my keep. Lord, give me strength. 



Thanks, Mike!

   Daddy used to say, "Fuck you, Mike!". No doubt we're all crushing on Scott Presler, but I do not think that Mike Lindell is getting the credit he deserves. This guy is a real American hero. No, I did not read his book, Ron did. He told me all about it. Maybe he did not work at McDonald's, (I just thought of how funny that is, McPillow), but he knows. Yes, I got My Towels for Christmas. They take forever to dry. They are real towels. My Pillow sends me scores of dreams, as anybody that knows me knows. A couple of things that most people that are TV junkies like Daddy don't know is that we can thank Mike for the unRIGGING of this election. Mike worked tirelessly for the past four years on that. The Kid Smeller might be the most honest president of all time. He told us ahead of time that they were RIGGING it, BIG. Why would they stop just when they had mastered it? During the 2020 election we received a stack of mail in ballots, six inches high. This time, in spite of Ron's request, we received none. Yes, we took Trump's advice, and voted weeks early at the courthouse. Yes, I had lost all faith in elections. We beat them at their own game. Late, both Pennsylvania and Wisconsin got truckloads of commie votes that thanks to Mike the law put the smack down on. What does Daddy know? Like my dumb white ghoulfriends he voted for Cabala Embarrass. Not blaming Daddy, he's dead. Thank You, Mike! You are right up there with Patrick Henry in my book, and we 💖 You So Much! Respect! ✨

22 Everyday Things That Break Your Cat's Heart

So far I've not broken Frankie's 💔, but I'm only up to #3... 

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Frankie in the Fridge

   Mmmhmm, busted! 😂

Lancaster Doll Show

Another good time at the Lancaster Doll Show. No, I didn't win a door prize this time, but they were Rosie O'Donnell dolls that they couldn't give away: no biggie. She might've been fun for O, My Ra! Yes, that has been put on hold due to life until further notice, but I am still writing Fanging with Claude, working on it. Would love to have it done by Christmas, we'll see. Ron got me adorable Little Peach from the forties for my Japanese house and Holly, a party favor from a Christmas party from a hundred years ago for my stocking. Ru Paul Dragon Queen Monster High is not selling. Sad, I've always liked him. Don't think anybody from The Brady Bunch is woke ass. Lots of Trump supporters loving my Bulletproof tee talking about The RIG. See You there! The corn chowder was better than ever, and I still have my brownie that got a bit squashed in my bag. Frankie was a good boy. He's a very good boy. 

Helen Kish's Special Zsu Zse Barbary Coast

  Specially dressed for a doll shop tea in Texas, Zsu Zse is part of Riley's World. I had planned on dressing her as a Native American. ...