Sunday, September 8, 2024
Dreams 9/8
This dream took place in a movie theater with Ron's mother, Marie. We sat down in the dark and rather crowded theater and were watching a movie with Maureen O'Hara on a boat with a parrot, a scarlet Macaw. Then, suddenly the film cut off and another took its place with Barbara Eden. She was probably in her fifties. I was really enjoying the film, so was ticked off when it too switched off. I told Marie to wait for me, that I'd be back. I wanted to talk to the manager and get my money back. The concession area was busy. A girl was making something I didn't recognize, maybe a kind of funnel cake. There was also a boy who worked there, and I told them I wanted to speak to the manager. A tall man with wavy brown hair dressed in a white striped shirt and navy pants came out, and I told him the film had been cut off twice, and I wanted my money back. Just then, a man who looked just like him and was dressed the same only he was short and fat entered the area, and the other ran off. I asked if he was the manager or just an imposter. I was frustrated by now and wanted to get back to Marie. I couldn't find the theater. Things had changed. There was a dark haired boy at the far right end at a stand selling snacks. He said, "Now she's cute! Those little slippers! Want a french fry?" I asked where the theater was, and he said it was back by the bathroom. There was a small slot with a conveyor belt hidden next to the restrooms. I climbed on and rode it, sitting there with my big pink and green purse. I was wearing little black flats without socks. When I got off the conveyor I was in a dark spot with a young girl with short sandy hair and her date. I asked where the theater was, and she said she'd show me if I took her. I had lost my shoes, was barefoot, and picked my purse up off of the floor. I knew we were in theater number seven. The numbers were painted like a circus and surrounded by yellow and red stripes. There was no number seven, they stopped at six. I stopped a tall man that worked there and told him I was looking for the seventh theater and that a hundred-year-old lady was waiting there for me. He took me back to the concession area where I had been earlier, and I saw the first, tall, manager there, behind the food stand, hurrying down the hall. I yelled up at him, "There you are! Or are you the imposter?" I began Merlin's old Welsh Charm of Making from Excalibur and pointed two fingers at him while I gave him The Evil Eye. I was losing my voice, it cracked and wavered. He morphed into a thin man with long blonde hair and ran away. I went back to the theater area. I was wondering about driving home barefoot. There was another manger there who asked if I needed help. I told him that he wouldn't believe me. There was a yellow kiddie train and from it I heard Marie call out, "Where's Dana?" That's when I woke up still thinking it was all real.
No Wonder
No wonder Merlin died, he was terrorized. Sir Frankie Crisp might've had me up at four this morning insistent on snuggabe, but he is a...

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Dreamed I was back in the kitchen of the old house in Oakland. I wanted to take a shower in one of two ovens. First, my brother was there....
I dreamed that I was getting married. It was summertime by the pool. There were Tiki. I don't remember a lot of details. It was prior t...