Wednesday, February 28, 2024

More Dreams 2/28

 Dreamt that I put Shiner out at night, and he slipped under a puddle on the back porch. He was totally submerged for a few seconds before resurfacing. I brought him in to dry him off. I had left the door open a crack, and when I turned around to look there was a big silly black dog trying to get in, looked like a mix between a Pit Bull and a Boston Terrier. He was rolling his eyes and wagging his tongue. When I called Ron to come see the dog was gone and suddenly the porch had become a sort of alley. There was a tall dark haired boy with a white cap saying something I can't recall. I thought he was gay. When I looked down at his feet his ankles were very long and too slim. He was wearing short turn-of-the-century styled pants with yellow and pink polka dotted socks. 

The following dream began on the steps of the front foyer. I was with Ron and had received an unexpected package from England. It was a Pippa doll, Jasmine, with a homemade cardboard head. She had no nose or mouth. The head was bigger than the Pippa dolls. Otherwise, she was beautiful. She had a long thick wig pulled back in a top knot with an amazing hair piece: a pin with teeny tiny dolls and animals wound round. Her legs bent, and she wore long white stockings and lovely handmade Asian sandals. Her kimono was blue with black and white designs with a black obi. I told Ron she was a very valuble doll, and that I'd forgotten I'd ordered her, she took so long to arrive. I removed her head, and there was pink ribbon round her neck peg. I was thinking I had to give her a replacement head when I woke believing she was real. 

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