Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Dreams 2/6

 Another night of epics, didn't want to get out of bed. First, Ron and Shiner took me to a public pool. Ron dropped me off. I'd wished I'd brought a book because I was bored. There weren't a lot of people there at first, but the pool quickly filled up with folks just lying around, and I was afraid of germs so got out and explored. There were several single adult sized kidney shaped pools set in a field of green that were more like tubs and child sized ones that were big foot prints. Now, Ron had returned for me and had Shiner on a leash. They were standing at an entrance. Think Shiner wanted to go for a swim. 

In the following dream Ron and I were working for a company in Slippery Rock. The front of the office was all windows facing the street, so it was bright and sunny. Our boss and owner was a sandy haired young man in his thirties, he wore glasses. The rest of the employees were: a blonde boy in his twenties who seemed like a stoner, a big good-looking dark haired guy in his late thirties who worked in the back of the office and had a thing for me, a fat boy in his late twenties with brown hair who was friendly, a big flighty older woman who dressed very colorfully and fashionably, and a quiet young girl. Ron and I worked up front. We lived in an apartment on the far side of town. I worked longer hours than he. The stoner boy had invited everybody to a party, but I did not take him seriously. I had developed these little sparkly plastic animals, an owl, and several others, that came in tiny clear plastic tub like containers, maybe an inch high. They were being sold to school kids at recess in small green trucks with gold trim. The trucks were old-fashioned looking like if a Model Ford crossed with a JEEP: eyes for  headlights. They had windows on one side showcasing all of the tiny toy critters, something like an ice cream truck, and all of the children came running. My animal designs sold very well, and the big artsy coworker of mine said, "Very good, Dana!" Now, my boss was very impressed with me. At one point I had to change my clothes and was nude for a second going back to the restroom before he had covered me with a pink towel. Once in there, the good-looking one was peeking through a slat in the door telling me how my boyfriend ought to be working Valentines Day with me. Now, I told the fat boy that we might make anthropomorphic buds that got you high for smelling. He thought it was a fabulous idea and told me the blonde boy could help me and that I'd have to go to his party. At the time he was changing his shirt and Fatty said, "Look what a great couple you'd make." Told Blondie I might be his mother and had a boyfriend. Fatty told me how our products were now made in Holland and thought Alice in Wonderland critters would sell. I said we might do about anything: childhood favorites. I mentioned Fizzgig and told them how I had the puppet and dressed as Kira for Ren Fest. The big artsy woman sashayed past my desk in a long pink and white duster with two big glittering pink and white plastic bees moving up the front of her get-up. I said I loved bees, and we thought they would be another seller. I thought, moths, too. My boss asked if I'd be working all summer with him, and I told him, I would; Ron wasn't pleased about that. This was about the time I began to wake, but was still lucidly in the office with my boss for awhile. 

No Wonder

  No wonder Merlin died, he was terrorized. Sir Frankie Crisp might've had me up at four this morning insistent on snuggabe, but he is a...