Sunday, February 4, 2024

Dreams 2/4

 My first dream has slipped my mind, but in my second a boy from my high-school class, Jody, and I were in a room at some sort of boarding school, I think. We were standing in the bathroom, in front of a mirror, and he was telling me his plans for getting rid of the head mistress. He told me to look in his duffle back on the floor, to the left: There were some wood chips in there that he was going to get her with. Then, I was with my head mistress, a brunette, probably in her late forties, and her cat. Now, Jody, must've been very small, maybe only an inch high, but I knew he had the splinters of wood. The head mistress and I were yelling at the cat, "Get him, kitty!", and she did. She pounced on Jody and caught him under her paw. 

Shaggy Boombastic

  Christmas is nearly away... Working on it. ☮ Make Canada the 51st state, I've been saying that for thirty years. Bye bye Psycho TurdO!...