Saturday, February 17, 2024

Dreams 2/17

 Dreamt that there were hundreds of tiny kittens crammed into a cage. There was a little buff Siamese mix with dark markings like warpaint on the sides of her face and foxy ears that I had to have pushed into the back right-hand-side that I dug out and showed Mummy. I thought I was going to have to hide her. 

Then, I dreamt of a pandemic. My girlfriend's brother, Tom, was there. We lived in a stark sort of complex. At one point he came running out of his apartment across from mine followed by three people in baby blue Haz Mat gear and masks. When I caught him I asked if it was his mother, and he said, no, that it was Flora, that she was just lying on the floor. Flora was his young neice, and I began to shake and cry. 


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