Monday, January 8, 2024

It's Shiner's Birthday!

My buddy is seventeen. I don't usually blog or air personal things, besides dreams and poetry. Shiner had dislocated a hip in August, and the vet said he was too old for surgery, and that even young dogs only had a 10% full recovery rate after a hip dislocation. Been a bit of an ordeal, but after the lost lung, slipped disc, two bouts of Lyme's disease, several fungal infections, and allergies, nothing we couldn't handle. He's made a full recovery and is running like Ricky Bobby again. Funny what a little magic and a lot of love can do. Honorable mention: it's Elvis's & BOWIE's birthdays too. 


Potpourri and Fragrant Crafts

  Ron had gotten me Betsy Williams's Are There Fairies in the Bottom of Your Garden?  from the witch at The Green Dragon that he buys me...