Saturday, July 1, 2023

Felix's Lair

I've got some purple Betta Beads on the way for him. I hadn't heard of them. but they are soft, biodegradable, provide healthy bacteria, and supposedly the Bettas like to play in them as they encourage their foraging instinct. We'll see. Anyways, Felix, Oscar, and Telly wish you, good day. I enjoy spoiling them. Oscar and Telly are really fast, so it's not easy to catch them. I'll have to charge my movie camera and make a video. Felix shows off. I've got to get them some aquarium salt. That's next on my list. My brother told me it was good for them. They eat: Betta Bites, (Felix gets two daily), and I alternate from the Betta Dial a Treat: blood worms, mysis, and daphnia every three days. Oscar and Telly love those. Oscar is an albino Cory catfish, and Telly is a male Cobra guppy. 

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