Thursday, June 8, 2023

Dreams 6/7

 Haven't been remembering my dreams this week, figure it's due to excessive stimulation, but I had a couple of lavish ones last night, so I'll do my best. First, I was here, in this house with Ron and Tim. I was surprised to find my octagon fish tank that I'd had since school, complete with an old long lost red Betta, but there was more, a lot more. Seems the house was full of aquariums. In my bathroom there was a salt water one complete with a big flirty puffer fish and a rather fat blue spotted fish with a white belly. I asked Ron about them, and he behaved as if they were always here. There was a tank full of guppies, Neon Tetras, and Zebra Danio. I was thinking about transferring a few of those into my half moon tank. 

Next, I had a long Edwardian dream. I don't remember a lot of the characters, but there was a woman with dark hair who reminded me of an old school friend, Maria. There was also a mustached man in a tan corduroy suit, and an old teacher of mine. Somebody was putting a decal from a ship onto a plane. It was bubbly at first, but smoothed out. There were green rolling hills and pastures. At the end of the dream I told my teacher that money did not matter, it was the quality of the time put in. 

There was more to both of these dreams, but we have free STARZ this week, and I watched The Serpent Queen, 22 Jump St, The Skeleton Key, Polish Wedding, and am suffering The Wicker Tree just now, so I think the interference has made me forgetful. 

A Tale of Two Forest Rats