Saturday, April 8, 2023

Dreams 4/8

In my first dream Shiner and I were in a green park, must've been late spring. There was a tuft of ground that seemed a bit rumpled and had something woolly peeking through. Shiner pounced down the hole and came out the other side where there was a wooden ramp. In the process he'd hurt his foot, and I had to carry him home. 

The next dream was epic. It took place at a wedding. The wedding was still in preparation. There were some dark haired children; I think, they were related to the bride. The one little girl was wearing a soft yellow dress with flowers in her hair and had two gray kittens. The one kitten had gotten lost, and I found it dead with the little boy, the girl's brother. I took the kitten and he shrunk up like a tiny wool bit in my hand. Meanwhile, the big golden groom, who was a Heath Ledger look-a-like, dressed in his wedding finery, died while napping on a couch. This is pretty much when all Hell broke loose. For some reason the wedding attendees were after me. It might've had something to do with the wee cat, but I don't know. The big white brick building suddenly seemed very industrial, filled with metal pipes, stairways, and steam while I was on the run from the wedding goers. This chase went on for quite awhile, I was busting through walls, it was very cold, and somehow I'd lost my clothes. Just when it seemed as if I was done-for, a huge Italian, with very good hair, in a white suit burst through a wall followed by two attendants. He helped me down a fire escape and away from the building. He took me home, then, and had changed into a yellow tee shirt with a red Indian looking design, much like an intricate henna tattoo and gray striped shorts. I was still naked and cold and he put me to bed and covered me. Then, he was nude, too, beside me, when the little gray kitten suddenly reappeared as a full grown gray striped tabby and curled up beside us. 

A Tale of Two Forest Rats