Sunday, April 30, 2023

New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle (Official Music Video) [HD Upgrade]

Happy Beltane! It's gonna' be fangtastic! 

21 Jump Street

As a high school 21 Jump St fan, have no idea why it took me so long to watch this film. First, no wonder Channing is a star, he looks just like Heath Ledger: alright, the smile doesn't match, but the eyes and nose more than make up for that. Plus, besides Dustin, who does show up on the TV during the shoot out, we get to see all of the original 21 Jump St cast. What a funny movie. I love it: 5 stars. I've got great taste. Last day to watch on Net Flix. 

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Another Fun Collection for Sale

                                                           Doll Collection


Dreams 4/29

Dreamt I was staying at a big old strange house with some others including my mother who wasn't around. The other boarders, besides myself, were younger men. It might've even been Mummy's house, for all I knew. The only thing for sure was that she wasn't around. I had to get ready for church. I could not figure out how to turn the water on in the big white sunken bath, but I knew it was Mummy's tub. Mummy only ever showered. She said baths were dirty. I was thinking I had to wash my hair but couldn't and didn't. My long poppy printed dress was hanging on the side of my the bedroom door. The walls were all painted white. I put my dress on and put a long purple tee shirt with an owl on and was ready for church but was thinking how stupid I looked. 

Friday, April 28, 2023

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

A'pizza Redux

No wonder I'm one of the only people Ron still likes. When you're good for something, go for it, and I've been baking since childhood. This is only my second go at pizza from scratch, and this time I was really hurting for ingredients so just made a pesto and a cheese pie. Now, the only question is which to go after, first, probably the pesto. I forgot I'd wanted to put some artichoke on that one, so next time. 


My Thabi

There, we go: her original hair style. This is the second Himstedt I've gotten with a new hair style. Some people even add make up, which is a crime: as if you might improve upon a Himstedt. I'm keeping her name, now, too, as Thabi is a nice name. 


Thabi by Annette Himstedt

I don't have Tulani, I've got Thabi. She was listed as Tulani, and they have the same face sculpt, are the same size, and both have the same material used on their vests. Somebody just removed her pigtails. Thabi's gown is pinker than purple although you can't tell so much from my photo, here. 


I Monster-Swarf(2013)~Full Album HD 1080p~


                                                               Buy Ladybird

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Lancaster Doll Show

Fun as usual at The Lancaster Doll Show, although I didn't have a dime, I was one of the first door prize winners and chose this fabulous family of vintage gypsies that You can believe will be showing up to hound the cast of O, My Ra! The little Romanian girl, Nadja, on the far right, was not part of my prize. Suzie Blue Witch got her for me from the peasant's market at the foot of Castle Dracula, but looks like her mother, Magda, has found her. Penelope, the Greek, is my favorite, and is very heavy as if her trunk and legs are made of clay or something equally as heavy. The little Italian, Iverna, is from Florence. How lucky am I? I'll tell You. At Easter I'd scored a Little Red Riding Hood from around here, but although I'd spent hours scanning the internet, I could not find her match, a Frank Wright felt one came closest, as if she was a copy. Well, they had the same doll, there, in the exact same costume, same fabric, same body, same glass eyes, only a slender porcelain head, where mine is composition, I'd guess, and she is not only French but a SFBJ. I just knew that doll was special and old.  They also had some teensy Kestners like Dainty Bet's son, Willy, there, only not near as nice, and wanted four times what I scored him for. My Brooke Shields and Fred Astaire dolls were also there. I love those, especially my Fred, World Doll, from the eighties. Then, we saw loads of darling Canadian gosling. As many times as I've seen Canadian geese, I can't ever remember seeing so many wild gosling, and I'd adopted an orphaned Goosey Lucy as a girl, but Goosey was a lot bigger than these yellow babies. Good times! 

Lancaster Doll Show

Friday, April 21, 2023

O, My Ra!

Loving Cousin Fatra! So glad I scored her: $30 on Amazon, all said and done. Love my Clawdeen Wolf Goul La La Locker that I'd gotten on Amazon for $20 some Christmases ago, but that doll is lacking, not fierce. No wonder my Gloom Beach Cleo bought her locker. This one, on the other hand, is a smaller version of the Fangtastic Locker, and the doll looks clawsome: bigger than Cleo, more Nefera. Will O, My Ra! be renewed another season, now? Likely, after Beltane! The Clawdeen version of this, with her purple hair, also looks fabulous to me, but the new Laguna still looks tacky and hideous, and nobody wants non-binary Frankie in her stupid Village Peoples' hat. Still have to unlock Fatra's treasures, but already have to highly recommend this ghoulish doll. Fangtastic! Thanks, Mummy! 



Gave Atlanta Mummy's and my old beach jewelry. The coral crown was Mummy's, she got it in Hawaii when I was nine. The shell crown and bracelet were mine. I either got them in Maryland when I was a kid or more likely in South Carolina when I was in high school. Not certain, but I remember wearing them. The seahorse is from Station Square in Pittsburgh, pretty sure I got that in junior high. Ron got me the mermaid charm. A lady in Jim Thorpe makes those. She also has a Lemurian crystal for Doll Magic. 

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Luciano Pavarotti - The Best of Luciano Pavarotti - Greatest hits

Dreams 4/20

I dreamt of Eddie Munson from Stranger Things, again. I was younger in the dream and when we met it was love at first sight, but we kept it on the down-low. I had met him at a friend's on a summer afternoon. I can't recall all of the details from the first meeting or thereafter, perhaps just  his beautiful smile, some picnics and chats, but we were friends for awhile before we ended up on a train together. I was late boarding the train, and a woman working on it wanted to toss me off because I could not find my ticket. I know I had a lost ticket, in my purse, because there was a picture of my brother and I having lunch in a garden, shooting the bird, on it. She said she would have to see my passport, and I told her I had one but was thinking it was expired. Anyways, without the ticket the woman with the short brown hair in the cranberry vest plopped me on a metal bench with painted Pennsylvania Dutch like flowers at the front of the train. I was alone when Eddie joined me. We were kissing and professing our love. Somehow we ended up in the back of a dining car, in a wait station where the waiters would fetch utensils, coffee, and drinks. We were talking about something on the train when I woke. What a great 4/20 dream. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

My First A'pizza

I'm not a proud person, but my first a'pizza is delicious. I've never made a pizza from scratch, always used a shell, kit, or frozen dough. Mine blows those away, although I've only got an electric oven. I tried to follow the New Haven recipe, but did I cheat, and Dana it up? You know it. I added thyme to the dough. I did not let it rise for five hours, only three. I did not refrigerate the dough overnight, rather a couple of hours. I did follow the  garlic and sauce recipe, pretty much, cooking it on low for quite awhile. I don't have a pizza pan, so covered a cookie sheet with foil, olive oil, and a bit of flour. I used six cheeses. My side is just mushrooms, but I added sweet sausage to Ron's as that's how he likes it. I did dust it with a bit of parsley as called for, but I'm not a big parsley fan, so added more oregano and thyme. I baked it as directed: 500 degrees for eight minutes, preheating the oven an hour. It's way better than any other pizza around here. The crust is soft, but not too thick. Ron usually eats ten pieces of other pizza, but was full after two pieces of mine. He had soup and salad, though, too, as I had no idea how my first pizza entirely from scratch was going to turn out. I was full with one piece, along with a nice pinot noir, of course. There are only a few ingredients: flour, yeast, salt, water, oregano, garlic, olive oil, tomatoes, and parmesan, besides what I added, and I'll definitely be making more a'pizza. I'll likely make Ron a clam one, although I won't touch that. I'm thinking I'd like a nice pesto one. 

Dreams 4/19

Think I was at the beach in this dream. I know it was a bright warm afternoon. Might have been with a girlfriend from junior high, but not sure. This dream was very short and lapsing, the kind when you are in and out of sleep. Anyways, I had lots of diamond rings on and took them all off and put them in a white porcelain ramekin and set them on an outdoor oak shelving unit with little cubby holes and bigger square shelves. I woke feeling worried and stupid as if I had really left my rings there. 

Monday, April 17, 2023

Tulani by Annette Himstedt

Looks like I might've finally gone and done it: scored the doll to end all dolls. Four Himstedts ago I was feeling pretty bad, and thinking I'd wanted some more. I really wanted an Atlantean from 2006, never imagining I'd get the best one for nearly what it cost to ship her. She's enormous, by far my biggest doll. I thought she was only a few inches bigger than Maniloa, (Ginger), the Hawaiian from the previous year, but she's way bigger. I figured I'd have to wash her clothes, but I only had to wipe her hands and face and comb her beautiful hair. The only thing she's missing is her net. I was thinking I'd probably pick-up Minou, the Corsican, and Munira, the Hungarian Gypsy, sometime, and make it a proper coven, but I don't know if I will want anymore dolls, now. I might be cured. I'm calling her Atlanta. I think she's my new favorite doll. She's amazing.  

Shiner's Easter Unicorn


Sunday, April 16, 2023

Dreams 4/16

Dreamt of an evening picnic in the woods with Raggedy Ann and fireflies. Either I've forgotten the rest, (likely), or it was a short dream. 

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Front Tree

Always love sharing the beautiful front tree. She gets prettier each year. 


Dreams 4/15

Pretty nasty morningmare: first, I was in an apartment with an unknown man. I was wearing my Frog & Toad socks. I took them off and tossed them in a plastic laundry basket. Then, it was time to leave for the airport. Another, a woman, had joined us. I didn't have any socks on and couldn't find any. Once I got to the airport Alex and Ron were there. I had a ton of luggage and a lot of it wasn't in suitcases. It was loaded up on some shelves. Ron said we had to go, that it was getting down to the last minute, and we would miss the flight. I did not want to leave my purse with my money on the shelves, but had to grab what I could and got hurried along. I was worried and bothered. Then, we were in a sort of waiting area, a small carpeted room with plastic chairs. There was an airport employee with us, a woman with dark hair in a red vest and uniform. She was using my tablet to take my passport photo. I was wearing a little brown cap. The picture was bad, and I did not care to see it. 

Friday, April 14, 2023

More from the Caravan


I'd wanted a caravan for awhile. Ron had taken me to Ravenwood Castle in Hocking Hills. We stayed in the castle, but there were caravans you could stay in, there. They were darling.  I saw some putz type kits too. Then, I'd found a hundred-year-old German one in an old auction catalog made for little dolls. The witches' has an owl theme and can easily be decorated for holidays. If you're considering making one, and like me, your woodworking skills are lacking, a little birdhouse would make a nice easy start. Mine is mostly scraps, but I purchased the door and a couple of wooden boxes at the dollar store. Besides rubber cement, I used poster and foam board glue, too. 

Three Witches Caravan

Thanks to three dollars worth of wood bits from the dollar store and some scraps The Three Witches will be traveling to the Beltane celebration in style this year.  

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Dreams 4/12

Dreamt of Robert Sepehr, again, this time we were in college, living in the same dormitory, Robert lived downstairs from me. Instead of studying Anthropology Robert was in med school. We ended up hanging out by accident. I had to use the bathroom, and we couldn't find one. Finally I spotted a sort of Port-O-Potty, but once in there a young Goldie Hahn in a yellow bikini popped-up, out of the depths, and bit me. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Robert wanted to go out again, the next day, and we were leaving for the beach. I was wearing my blue mermaid lagoon swimsuit with matching shorts with a straw hat and white high heeled sandals. 

Monday, April 10, 2023

Easter 2023

                                                        Easter 2023

The Governess For Sale

                                                  The Governess

Dreams 4/10

Dreamt I was working at the mall with my girlfriend from grade school. We worked in one of those booths. First, I went into the restroom to fetch my green duffel bag with the leopard printed on it. I'd left it under a table, there. A mean black restroom attendant gave me hell, telling me she didn't have my bag and started blaming me for losing all of their games. Seemed likely, so I slunk out, back at my booth. I was sitting there when Mattias, our fellow friend, who doesn't exist in my real life, came up to me with a broken crystal owl, whispering in my ear, asking how good of a friend I was. He asked me to "take Karen home as she'd had too much to drink." I bought the owl at a discount and got Karen. She was all dressed up in gold, black, and red. She had matching very high heels on, and was stumbling around, laughing. On the way to the parking lot we passed through a grocery store. There was a bin of huge stuffed owls in the corner on the right. I told her to take her shoes off as I was afraid she'd break an ankle. 

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Dreams 4/8

In my first dream Shiner and I were in a green park, must've been late spring. There was a tuft of ground that seemed a bit rumpled and had something woolly peeking through. Shiner pounced down the hole and came out the other side where there was a wooden ramp. In the process he'd hurt his foot, and I had to carry him home. 

The next dream was epic. It took place at a wedding. The wedding was still in preparation. There were some dark haired children; I think, they were related to the bride. The one little girl was wearing a soft yellow dress with flowers in her hair and had two gray kittens. The one kitten had gotten lost, and I found it dead with the little boy, the girl's brother. I took the kitten and he shrunk up like a tiny wool bit in my hand. Meanwhile, the big golden groom, who was a Heath Ledger look-a-like, dressed in his wedding finery, died while napping on a couch. This is pretty much when all Hell broke loose. For some reason the wedding attendees were after me. It might've had something to do with the wee cat, but I don't know. The big white brick building suddenly seemed very industrial, filled with metal pipes, stairways, and steam while I was on the run from the wedding goers. This chase went on for quite awhile, I was busting through walls, it was very cold, and somehow I'd lost my clothes. Just when it seemed as if I was done-for, a huge Italian, with very good hair, in a white suit burst through a wall followed by two attendants. He helped me down a fire escape and away from the building. He took me home, then, and had changed into a yellow tee shirt with a red Indian looking design, much like an intricate henna tattoo and gray striped shorts. I was still naked and cold and he put me to bed and covered me. Then, he was nude, too, beside me, when the little gray kitten suddenly reappeared as a full grown gray striped tabby and curled up beside us. 

A Tale of Two Forest Rats