Monday, January 23, 2023

Ghost Stories XXI

First, the day of the earthquake: I felt the earthquake; it rattled the kitchen cupboards and dishes. I actually went outside. Later, that same afternoon, I was out in the garden, when I came back in the house, the ghost was standing in the foyer. At first, I thought in was Ron again, like before, that's how real he looked, only Ron was not home yet. I can never be sure if these ghosts are father or son, as maybe, the father appears as he was when he was younger sometimes. I say that, as I believe this was the father, the one who built the house, but they both come around from time to time.

Then, Gettysburg: several things have happened in Gettysburg, the last couple of trips. First, I had my new video camera, and was recording around the old cyclorama. Ron was there, and so was my Witch. It was creepy. It smelled so bad, like death. The wind was howling, and it was summer time. I actually thought I'd get an earache; it was so cold. I was sure my camera was going to pick up on all sorts of creepy things, but nothing recorded. I was there again, in October. Just after getting there, on a very warm and sunny day, I had to get my jacket out of the car, as I was experiencing some dreadful cold spells. Then, on to The National Cemetery, as it's always my first stop. There are a lot of ghosts that live there. I think some of them are Rebels in unmarked graves, as they didn't bury The Rebels. Anyways, Ron had said something to me that irked me. Then, (and, this is where it's actually pretty funny), I heard a very loud, rude noise. Assuming it was Ron, I decided not to say anything about it, since we were in the cemetery, out of respect. Only later, when I confronted him with it, he swore it wasn't him. So, I think it must have been directed at him. I do. Some of those ghosts have gotten used to me visiting them there. That same day, Ron was ascending the look-out tower with my camera, while I was down in the woods, on Culp's Hill. Culp's Hill is frighteningly haunted, especially at night. I was first hearing movement and whistling in the surrounding shrubs, and it wasn't birds. Then, I looked up, into the clearing, trying to see who might be making the noise. There was a dark figure, all browns, raggedy, feature-less, looking back at me. I couldn't see the bottom of his legs either. Then, he vanished.

I got all sorts of creepy pictures in Hamburg. Ron says it's all my camera, and the lights, but I don't think that explains them, when a few of the pictures are fine, and my camera, fully charged, all-out-and-died when we reached the bridge. And, the camera works fine again, now. Anyways, we had eaten at the old hotel at the crossroads at Hex Street before. I knew it was haunted then. In Hamburg, Hex Street leads to Witches Hill, where the witches dance naked with the devil. Not me, of course. But, I did see a ghost on the bridge. It was just a very dark figure, not very tall. I could sense it as well as seeing it. But, I really have no idea where some of the crazy pictures come from. You can check out these videos on my You Tube channel.

There is also a ghost kitten behind the house. I've seen and heard her, mewing. She is a little calico, maybe four months old. She makes me very sad. I've seen her during the day, but she cries at night. I've gone out calling at night for her, but she's not there.

Finally, just today, I saw another ghost car, which is what got me to writing down the stories. It was a fifties style hearse with a chrome grille, bumper, and mirrors. It was following behind the fire truck, which had the sirens wailing. Then, it vanished. That's how I know it was a ghost car.

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