Monday, January 23, 2023

Ghost Stories XX

These next couple of stories have happened over the last couple of months. The ghosts seem rampant lately. First, I was driving the same road as always; I happen to be on this road at least once a week. It is a rather dangerous intersection, but I've never noticed anything strange about it, except for this one instance. I was waiting behind several other cars when I saw a gold sedan coming from the other lane right at me. There was nowhere to go, and I was certain that the car was going to drive right into me. This all happened very fast, as accidents do. I didn't notice anybody in the car. Then, the car just vanished. It was as if it disappeared right into my car. It seemed very real and solid, as if it was really there. It couldn't have gone anywhere else. Looking all around, the car was just gone. I suppose it was a ghost car. I don't know what else it could have been.

Next, I was waiting for somebody in the parking lot of their bank. This wasn't my bank. As I was waiting there a beige car drove up to go through the drive through. I thought it was pretty weird that somebody dressed in brown, (I couldn't even tell if it was a man or woman, as once again, this happened pretty fast), opened up the back door of that car and just sort of toppled out. The car was pulling up pretty slowly, but it never did completely stop. This passenger too, looked very solid and real, but once they were out of the car, they had just disappeared too. I looked all around. There was no place they could have gotten to that fast, even if they were running, which they weren't. I wondered if the driver knew that they had a ghostly hitchhiker on board that wanted out at the bank. I then relayed this story to the lady that I was waiting for, because I had wondered if they might be somehow connected to her. She tried to make up a lot of excuses as to where they might have gone, so I was pretty sure that she didn't believe me, and decided to drop it. I still wonder about it though.

Then, the ghosts, here. Sometimes at night I can see them outside the french doors, but when I look again, they are gone. I still don't know about them. But, last week I saw one out there in stark daylight. That's a first. I thought it was a real person, but there wasn't anybody out there.

Last, but not least, Captain Hood. Captain Hood was one of the first graduates of West Point. He died in the 1840s; he was in his thirties. His tomb was robbed. The robbers stole his body and tossed it all around. It was never recovered. There was a monument there too, but it has since been moved. While there, I could hear somebody walking around behind me. There wasn't anybody there. But, if You look towards the end of my video, one of the last stills, to the upper right hand corner, You can see him, just where I heard him rustling about. Now, I'm not certain if this is connected to Captain Hood or not, because on our way to the tomb, we also passed a motorcycle accident, where a man, also in his thirties, was killed; but right after returning home, before I even got a chance to look at the photographs, something tugged on my shirt twice. Another interesting thing is that Ron, also made a video of the tomb, only on his phone. Now, that phone is possessed. Since he made that video it only flashes this strange screen and will not work at all otherwise. Other people say they call it and leave messages, and that it works; but it doesn't. It won't even ring. It's dead.

The ghost of Captain Hood,
to Possum Hollow is bound,
searching out his stolen body,
that was scattered all around.
In a thorny thicket,
the crow has built his nest,
crying for the Captain,
still he cannot rest.
The stones, they are a ruin,
the bones, returned to clay;
but Captain Hood still lingers,
longing for the day...

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