Saturday, January 21, 2023

Ghost Stories XVII

 Posted on November 2, 2010 at 1:10 AM

I'll try this again. Just once more. I had only just completed this story, to have it vanish into thin air, which is always annoying. I'm relentless, I know it, but Fort Mifflin is haunted too. It was bone chillingly cold; my teeth wouldn't stop chattering. I was dressed warm enough too. First stop on our tour was the house with the biggest fireplace and the cauldron. Upon entering, I heard somebody clambering around upstairs, although, supposedly nobody was up there. There was a girl standing in front of me, only every time out of the corner of my eye, I'd see a heavy -set man with a beard at her back. When I'd look straight at her, he was gone. At that same time I was watching out the window, towards one of the casements, the old Hobbit hole prisons. A large group had just entered the hill, but I could see something going on just outside the entrance; something like a flickering mist, but with human motion. I tried to take some photographs, but they'd turn out black. In fact, all of my photos of the casements, and a lot of other pictures would just come up black. Out of curiosity, after getting home, I enhanced these black pictures. These are the pictures of the colored orbs. My camera did seem to be acting up, but I don't have any orb issues with it. They look more like bubbles and lights. And, the lights were there. I doubt these are all dust and insects. Anyways, I think that ghost would come out of the hill just to avoid getting squished by the crowd. I did get the sense of a little girl out on the grounds, but this could be pure suggestion. I did think I saw something cloudy mussing about just beyond the big wooden doors near the flag as well. Some people report bad feelings from the old cells. I didn't have any, but there were bad smells; easily attributed to any of the large tours shuffling around. The Ghost Hunters said a light came on upstairs in the officer's quarters. Perhaps, but that well may have been due to an airplane, as an airport is next door. The lights from the planes are so bright to light up the windows. I think that's why The Screaming Lady still screams.
Still, besides, the orbs, if You look closely, you can see lots of ghosts picked up by night vision camera that deceived my eyes. First, the pictures of the big white house, there is a lady in a long white nightgown on the far right end of the top balcony. She looks candlelit. She was not there. Nobody was on the top balcony, but the crowd on the porch are all breathing. Also, the cannons, in front of the same house, look closer to the snouts, between them a somewhat transparent man in Civil War uniform is standing. He's wearing a cap and his arms are crossed or something. The dark head and shoulders visage as approaching the fort cannot be mistaken and is very scary, as he was not there either. Nobody was. The lady shows herself again in the front right hand side of the picture of the long single storied house. She's in the nightgown again, candlelit, this time more transparent; looks as if she's crying. Her hair looks unwashed, as if she'd been in bed a long time, maybe. The photograph of a large white orb in front of the blacksmith's shop is definitely interesting. That was not a plane. I know, because I had waited for the planes to pass to take that picture. It's like a huge ball of energy or something... This one did not turn out black originally either, and it's not The Moon. Besides the flag, the other dark orbed photos are of the casements, for the most part. I find them intriguing. You may think what you will, but I think Fort Mifflin is haunted.

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