Posted on December 7, 2010 at 8:47 AM
I've only just realized that I've totally neglected mentioning another haunted house in the place where I grew up. I can't really call this a second-hand ghost story, but it does involve my two best friends. They had more experiences there than I, the one lived there; but I can vouch to say it's haunted.
The house is just a couple of streets away from my grandparents' old house, and, in fact, the ghost there, knew my grandparents too. It had belonged to my best friend's ex-husband's grandparents. It was the grandfather who haunted the house. First, while there, I did get the strange feeling that somebody else was around, and I could hear somebody upstairs when nobody was up there. I asked my friend about it, and she said, "Oh, yeah, it's Brian's grandfather. Sometimes he spies on me, and I get the willies." Also, she would have strange dreams while sleeping there. And, for a while, the grandmother, his wife, was away in a home, before she passed away. She kind of lost it and would think that she was back at home with her husband sometimes. She would even call cabs to try to get back home; although, she actually didn't really know where she was at that time.
Anyways, my first experience while there was when my friend gave a sex party, not an orgy or anything, just one of those Sassy Sensation parties where women get together to buy sex toys, lingerie, and things like that. Well, the hostess went to make a champagne toast, when suddenly the glasses just shattered out of nowhere all over her. I said, "Brian's grandfather doesn't like that."
The next thing was even wyrder. I had brought my other friend over for the first time. We were all out on the porch when my friend went to the bathroom. When she got back, I said, "Do you want to leave?" I didn't know why, at the time, since we hadn't been there very long, but she just looked funny and very white, whiter than usual. She said, "Yeah." So, we left. A couple of weeks later she told me what had really happened to her while she was in the bathroom. Getting ready to pee, she heard an old man's voice say, "Get Out!" The first time scared her. The second time, she said, "Okay, I'm trying!"
Then, the day of my friend's wedding, as they had been living there a bit before they got married, I was upstairs in one of the bedrooms. There was a lot of commotion downstairs at the time, with the wedding party and pictures. The door shut. First, I thought somebody was playing a prank on me, but when I couldn't unlock the door, that only locked from the inside, I got scared and started beating on it and yelling for somebody to let me out, as I was afraid that they'd forget about me and leave without me with all the wedding day distractions. The door did eventually open and let me out, but it was pretty scary.
They don't live there anymore, but I'm betting the grandfather still does.