Ghosts XI
I was going to entitle this chapter, Second Hand Ghosts, as I thought I was out of my own ghost stories, that is, until last night. First the doors upstairs were opening and closing...They are old doors, complete with skeleton keys, and the window was open, so I ignored them...thinking, just the wind...Although, I knew better. I told Ron, "It's the ghost.", when he asked me about it. Then I went to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. It was after midnight. A hard rap, rap, least fourteen raps...a really loud banging, came at the laundry room door. I jumped and squealed and ran, I was so startled. My heart was pounding. There was nobody there. I would have seen them from the window. The moon was bright. I would have heard them running, as I can hear someone walking past the house. Shiner, the puppy, was scared, he didn't even bark. Ron went running outside, looking all around, up and down the road, but we couldn't see anybody...Nobody is that fast; you can see quite far down the road. Later there was a big bang. I went to check it out. The mirror on the bathroom wall fell down. The funny thing about that is that it did not break, although it hit the hard bathroom floor, nor did it break anything in it's path.
Now, I'm quite curious. Shortly after I moved here, about this time, last year, I was in the bathroom late one night. I heard a woman screaming bloody murder, then a crash. I thought it was an accident. I looked out the window, but couldn't see anything. I never heard an ambulance or a police car. Later I heard that a couple of years ago a man had pushed a woman and her child into an incoming train, just across the street. They were, of course, both killed. I am going to have to find out when that happened, to see if perhaps these wyrd occurrences are related to that tragedy. Sometimes I see the woman's relatives when I am out walking. They leave toys for the child by the tracks. It is sad.
So, I'll make the next chapter Second Hand Ghosts, maybe.