Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Dreams 1/11

Dreamt I was working in a little, old, dark witchcraft store in Pittsburgh. The place looked black and moldy. I had several coworkers. It was my first day of work. I had to walk home, and it was late winter and dark. There were clumps of snow all over the streets mixed with chunks of mud. I fell down into the slickness pretty quick when one of my coworkers caught up with me telling me to keep to the right before turning into a slimy three pronged pink and white tape worm, leach, or something like that. I didn't seem that surprised, and he was right, as long as I went that direction I came upon The South Side and knew exactly where I was. I was so tired at this point, wet, and muddy, that I woke myself rather than trekking the rest of the way home. 

In the next dream I was back in high school. A friend and I were hanging out alongside the trash cans outside the building. He was supposedly a high school student, although he looked more like fifty: grey hair and bearded, sort of chubby. He had nice teeth, though. Anyways, we were out there and had stolen a horse poster from the school. It was rolled up, but I knew, it had lots of little horses painted on it, like a breeding depiction. We were laughing and smoking when the janitor came out, he was a lot like our childhood janitor, Mr. Dave, who the older kids called Pumpkin Head long before the films. He was something of an ogre. We hid. When I say I hid, I mean, I rolled up like a potato bug, (sow beetle), and closed my eyes. Everything was alright for a spell until I moved and "hid" again, in a very strange position. He spotted me and gave chase. I ran over a green hill for the trees and lost him in the woods. He was very large, and there was no way he could keep up although I was very tired. Once I got out of the woods I came upon a very nice neighborhood with swank modern houses. The one yard had a full running stream going through it and I laid down in it, feeling tired and dirty. Then, my friend came from the house. I didn't know he lived there. He said he had hidden under a car, and still had the poster. I thought I should call my mother before she reported me missing and the school knew who I was. 

A Tale of Two Forest Rats