Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Curses & Hexes


I curse and hex you, you stupid boy. 
Disheartenment, cheerlessness, and gloom!
No more joy! 
First, for you, a plague of warts! 
Try to take me to court. 
Next, you get a kidney stone!
How you will moan!
Then, you'll lose your lousy job!
Curses and hexes to anybody who likes you!
I know, they're very few!
Sued for alimony?
Don't blame me.
You have such bad taste. 
You'll believe your entire life has been a waste,
because it has!
You made me so mad. 
A Mexican prison is waiting, oh,
and a big cellmate named, Nino!
When you get out, you'll be sore! 
You'll hobble on home, to see it's no more! 
When I'm done you'll wish you were never born. 
I send no love to you, only scorn. 

A Tale of Two Forest Rats