Friday, October 7, 2022

More Dreams 10/7

In the first dream I was in a school gym with bleachers. It was some sort of casting audition with loads of high-school aged kids. The parts up for grabs were Barbie and Ken. Having already read I was up in the bleachers waiting for my friends. They were down there sitting at desks that were pushed together, trying out. When we were done we got on the bus to go home. My friend Doug, from Kindergarten, was the bus driver. Funny, but he'd just been auditioning for Ken. Jenny was also there. Those two are cousins, and our school bus route carried us down into New England Hollow, what we kids called Silerville, because they were all related. 

The next dream seemed to last all afternoon, and sure enough, it did. I used to work in a greenhouse, but in this dream they had an enormous antique shop attached. It was my first day, and I was supposed to work a long shift, just like I did at the greenhouse. I never even got through the entire store in the dream. There were a lot of dolls. There was a family of three with a teenage daughter who were getting a ramshackle pigeon hole desk. It was in pretty bad shape, very fragile, and loaded with stuff. The girl had brown bobbed hair and asked me if I knew alphabets. I asked if she meant script, and she seemed confused. I told her I knew German from school but was very rusty. I wandered into the next room, with all the dolls, that I didn't even know was there. There was an elderly couple very excited about a table with a gray grained top that they were coming back for. I think it was Mrs. and Mr. Strong. They committed double suicide in their car when I was in grade school. I had forgotten to punch in or take my lunch break, and it had to be getting quite late. I was looking at a Pinocchio styled carriage clock, or maybe it was Peter Pan as it had a little porcelain mermaid on the side with a pink tail. I was thinking Nancy would have to sign my time card. She was the owner's wife of the greenhouse when I woke. 

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