Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Pretty Baby

Sir Frankie Crisp wears Mummy's sixties costume pearls. He's not falling for the drugged cream. He said, too bad, witch. That bitch isn't taking any blood from me. Alright, Frankie. Mummy doesn't trust doctors either. 


Sir Frankie Crisp

  My beautiful baby is so lovable. He has his second and hopefully his last vet visit today. I have to drug him a couple of hours before because he got all shitty with the doctor last time. I didn't witness it. It's hard to believe as he is so sweet natured. I'm planning another photo shoot soon. Shiner hated the pupparazzi. I learned about Spirited on free Acorn TV last week and am watching on tubi. It's Aussie about an eighties English punk rocker ghost and a dentist who leaves her husband. It's as good as The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. I love the characters. Purple Witch sent O, My Ra! a new French teacher, Fifi Poopoo. I also got Elphaba to teach Wicked Spells and Familial Magic. The dreams have been out of hand with the snow. Mummy finds her way in, they've been a lot of fun. We have free Asian TV this week. It's too strange for me. I had to shut The Wailing off. Couldn't take it. I'm hoping to go back to The Farnsworth House the first week in April, we'll see. TTYL... 

Dana's Dreams


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Poldark 1975 episode 01

Very lazy. Nearly finished the first season on free ACORN TV. It's soo good. Have added the first book to my Amazon cart. Will likely watch the newer series, but can it beat this? Doubtful. 

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Hex Yeah Season Three

I was telling Theresa that I finally fell asleep after Frankie stopped in to PURR when somebody knocked on my head! I thought somebody was at the door! I bet it was David Lynch. Should O, My Ra! return to Twin Peaks?

Thursday, January 16, 2025

David Lynch & Lykke Li - I'm Waiting Here

Dana's Dreams


  Dana's Dreams is now available in hardback. I have no idea why I cannot seem to publish it as an ebook. I've tried pdf and epub, neither work. Oh, hex. It's been available since summer as a paperback. Dana's Dreams Two is in the works. 

  Although Frankie and I still have a couple of lectures to finish of Mystery Teachings we skipped ahead two seasons to watch Astral Projection, Dreams, Crystals, How to Develop Your Subtle Senses, and Ascension, those were ones I could not miss. I really love the teacher, she's fab. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Too Good to Wait for the Book & More


  I reached over to scribble this dream down, but my dream notebook wasn’t there, so I jotted it down in the back of Catherine Cookson’s The Mallen Lot. It was just too much to miss. It began in college, I was dressed to the nines and wore snakeskin shoes. I had a couple of buddies, and one of them had an eight millimeter film in a canister steeped in acid, that is, LSD. We gathered in a dark little hovel to watch, but something went wrong, and up on the screen it looked like a yellow layer cake with jelly filling and chocolate icing, running and dripping. Meanwhile a small crowd had gathered round to watch. I didn’t know any of them. A couple of the boys were cute and smiling. There was another dark haired one who was on me like Frankie for breakfast. My friends weren’t wild about the newcomers, I could tell. There was a sandy haired girl with a ponytail wearing a navy blue sweatshirt amongst them who obviously liked one of the cute boys and got all shitty with me. I took her outside and straightened her out. By that I mean that she no longer considered me a rival and carried on. Then, two twin dolls, big, maybe four foot tall, made out of tin and painted with chippy acrylics, came at me, dancing down the hall. They had pink faces, blonde curls, and matching blue lace trimmed pants suits. Somehow I avoided them, and my brother joined the crew with his guitar. Supposedly he was to sing a funny new song about Satan. We must’ve been packed into a small dark room backstage. As my friends were still working on the film the dark haired stranger with the big eyebrows was rolling a joint when he bit me and blamed it on my snakeskin shoes. Another I had to set straight, although, this one, I really didn’t like. He was very typical and creepy. I left the room, and there was a dark old ticket stand with a tattooed hand coming from the window, not unlike Thing, motioning for me to come hither. When I did, another white boy with a crew cut jumped out, grabbed me, and pinned me to the floor with a gun to my head. He then tried to hold me down, like I thought I was such a badass, thought I was smart. Then he pulled a pair of brown womens' panties embroidered with colorful tulip buds out from somewhere as if they were mine. I was momentarily in shock, but then, even as I lay there on the floor with the gun to my head, I announced to the gathering crowd that they were Mummy’s underpants. This put him off. Good, I continued. Told him to kill me, then, I wasn’t afraid of him, old lady underpants stealer, and got up. 

  Then, I dreamed that I was shopping online for Dame Darcy dolls. I had made a little pink flute and noticed that she was selling the same kind, cheap.

I'm considering publishing my first dream book in other formats. Here's the paperback: Dana's Dreams

 Free Gaia TV this week. Frankie and I watched Chariots of the Gods from 1970, obviously inspiration for Ancient Aliens and Robert Sephr. We liked it. We're on the fourth lecture of Mystery Teachings now. It's really trippy and deep. Think that had lots to do with the dream. Frankie is just a hucklebuck, so he slept through the lessons. 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Potpourri and Fragrant Crafts

  Ron had gotten me Betsy Williams's Are There Fairies in the Bottom of Your Garden? from the witch at The Green Dragon that he buys me incense and candles from. The fabulous crystal rock hound sells specimens directly across from her. I'd bought a beautiful twin crystal from him, but Ron had gotten me a cherry quartz jaspar wand from him as well as carved animals. I had read the darling little booklet to him on the way to The William Penn Inn, which is a bit of a haul. We were so impressed that our private Beltane celebration will be the best ever this year. I also went looking for more of Betsy's work. She's a real herbalist in a world of fakes. My Grandma had a bookshelf full of Reader's Digest books, they were all the rage back in the day when people were real. I have only just started this book, but I love it already. I am sure that it will bring me joy for years to come, not to mention the gifts from my garden and walks to my favorite Peeps. 

Potpourri and Fragrant Crafts

Monday, January 6, 2025

Frannie and Me

  Finally got the pictures from the Leticia Penn Doll Club's Christmas Schoenhut party at The William Penn Inn. That was such a good time. I've already picked up two other dolls I'd coveted there. 🙄 I'm kind of ridiculous. I'm supposed to be saving for my next Gettysburg trip. 

Buy My Dolls


Thursday, January 2, 2025

Baby New Year

  When we were at the William Penn there was a big K & R baby as a prize which made me want an antique baby doll. I have a lot of German antique dolls, but they are all either girls or ladies, no babies. I do have some contemporary babies including a huge Rustie that Mummy brought me back from Florida while visiting a mutual friend and a Christening baby, but Kitty is my first antique. She's the same big chunky size as the flirty eyed one I'd seen at the doll club event, but she's older and prettier, more baby-like. She's an ABG, and I might have one of their chinaheads but none other. She had a bit of crazing to one leg and was missing some fingers all of which I remedied. Skinny dip satin spray paint and a buff fixes old doll bodies right up. I mended Mummy's Ideal bride doll this way, and I had thought I'd have to paint her green and start over, she was that bad. Polymer fingers can be painted with it too and glued right in place, so you'll really have to look to find the mend. She was naked, but now she wears my old baby dress and shoes. The cap and coat were Ron's mother's from the twenties. Ron and his brothers wore them too. Frankie and I are up to episode fourteen of forty-eight of The Great Courses, Ancient Egypt. The professor is from Long Island, and we are really enjoying it. We only have through Sunday to finish them, so I'll chat later, but I had to share Kitty. 


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The Haunted Aquarium

  Oh, boy, it's a new year. I couldn't sleep last night and was super crabby this morning. Maybe it was the Jihadi in New Orleans, don't know. I'm sensitive like that. I was messing with Dame Darcy as usual over the Yellow Snow. I was really thankful for Isabelle Red Riding Hood, I can tell you. Anyway, I've been really into cleaning and exercising lately. Ron is ruining it with pizza, but you'll have that. Don't know why all I want to do is write. Free Great Courses this week which I love. Watched prehistoric Ireland and the southern American colonies, both were good, but I can't watch television. After finishing Fanging with Claude that was totally a happy accident, I'm supposed to be working on my Gettysburg game, dressing a Helen Kish doll as a Native American to sell, and painting What We Do in the Shadows paper dolls. All of these were put off due to Fanging with Claude. I'm so moody. The Haunted Aquarium, a childrens' book, is likely to beat them all. I've been drawing and painting birds and fish since I was a kid, I'm a natural. The Haunted Aquarium is going to be about Julius moving into Vishnu's haunted aquarium. I bet Frankie will have a part. So, Happy New Year! That's what's up. Nosferatu was my last Christmas gift from Ron. The acting is superb. Beware the Yellow Snow. Mummy wanted to name me Snow, but Daddy said I'd grow up to be a drug dealing stripper. I was stalked by an owner of a strip club in New Orleans who obviosly had syphilis in the family. No fooling me. Ron took me back to Ephrata Cloister the other night. I got a cd of American music (1586-1998): The Songs of the Turtle Dove, a turtle dove enamel pin, and a bird fraktur talking about love. No wonder the vampire LeSnot was made there. ☮, no, Really. 

Fanging with Claude


Happy New Year!