Thursday, June 15, 2023
Dreams 6/15
Dreamt I was staying in a small cottage in the country. I was in the bathroom, at the sink, looking in the mirror. I was working on my costume for a festival. I had a multicolored crochet cap that I was sewing a gold dangly bobble on. I was affixing a silk pastel rose brooch on to the collar of my top. There were three roses, one was pink and another, yellow. Daddy thought my costume looked ridiculous, but Mummy scolded him for that. At the festival there were Native Americans. I had to go to the bathroom. The outhouses were like nothing I've ever seen before, much cleaner than any nasty Port o' John. There was a cement wall, behind it was a red fireplace with 1923 marked at the bottom. There was running water at the top to wash your hands. The "toilets" were metal grates in the ground with large gravel at the bottom, only about a foot deep. They did not stink nor were they disgusting like Port o' Potties. I could not pee. Then, I was walking down a dimly lit tunnel, a lot like Kennywood. There were two little black girls in front of me. One was maybe twelve, and I'd guess the other was six. They were both a bit chubby and the smaller one had big pom pom pigtails. The older one was telling the little one about the doctor and not to be scared. Then, a bunch of people dressed like zombies were walking towards me when I woke.
Available as an ebook, soon to be released in paperback, Pottsgrove Manor and Saint Michael's Cemetery is another Pennsylvania picture...
Dreamed I was back in the kitchen of the old house in Oakland. I wanted to take a shower in one of two ovens. First, my brother was there....
I dreamed that I was getting married. It was summertime by the pool. There were Tiki. I don't remember a lot of details. It was prior t...