Saturday, January 7, 2023

Dreams 1/6

Dreamt I was living down south in a small house with Ron. John Mahoney was there, in the living room, when a couple of home invaders came in, tied him up with rope, and took him away. During this ordeal I had snuck out and hid behind a tree in the dirt along the left side of the house. After that we had company, a girl who supposedly we knew, and her new boyfriend, Fox. Seemed she had gotten rid of her old boyfriend, I can't recall his name, but he wore glasses. Fox was much better looking with dark hair and tattoos. They were driving an old car from the seventies. The girl with the sandy hair, and I don't recall her name either, wanted me to go out to a club with her. Ron would not go, there was something that he wanted to watch on television, something political, I think. 

A Tale of Two Forest Rats