Wednesday, November 30, 2022

O, My Ra! 12

You Make Loving Fun (2004 Remaster)

Dreams 11/30

First dream I was at a cottage in the country when a large group of white people, women and men, showed-up. I did not know any of them. They seemed like hillbillies, not by their looks so much, more by their actions. A fight broke out between two dark haired men when one of them discovered that the other had done something, (I don't know), to a woman. The one beat the other down, then hit him in the head with what I think was a tanning tool. He was lying on the ground and twitching. Normally I might've done something, especially in my dreams, but there were probably forty of them, so I slipped away and was walking behind the cottages when I realized how flooded and marshy it was. 

In the second dream I was eating onion rings and french fries. I was making myself sick, and I thought it was real. 

Before reporting the third dream I hadn't mentioned a dream I'd had a few weeks ago: Ron had a swollen eye. 

In the third dream I was out on a small field trip with my aunt, an old teacher, an ex-friend, and several of my old students, only one whom I recall being there. We were out to see a musical, but had time so were shopping in a department store. Somehow my ex had slipped-in and was smoking. My aunt found a sweater that she liked and tried it on. It was brown and black striped. My old teacher was raving, said it looked so good, but she can't be trusted. I told my aunt I did not like it, that it looked like Bill Cosby, so I was helping her find another. I was looking at a blue patterned one when my old teacher saw my old student, Dan, walking in the back of the store. She had something very derogative to say about him and said she hoped he wasn't late for the show as he'd be calling her, then rolled her eyes. I told her I'd spent an entire summer with him, reading Phantom of the Opera because it was his favorite. I hadn't read it before that, and told her it was very good. She walked away. I told my aunt that Dan wasn't so bad, and I really enjoyed bringing him along as he was so appreciative. I laughed and mimicked the little noises he made. I also said he was very sweet, although I would not want to piss him off. She commented that he did seem mild. Then, we four women went to the ladies' room before the show. Becky, who was not fat, but thin, like she was in high school, was hanging-out at the hand dryer, and said she was going to smoke a pipe. The look on my old teacher's face was classic. The rest of us went into the stalls when I woke. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Monster High Commercials (From 2010 to 2016)

From The Mallen Streak

"Yet how could she blame the man? As Anna so often said, lives were cut to a pattern, all one did was sew them up." Catherine Cookson 

Dreams 11/29

First dreamt that Daddy was sitting on my bed in my old dorm room, Towers. He said he had to go. I asked if he couldn't stay a few more years, and he said, no. 

Next, dreamt I was working in a store. I had a ponytail and was wearing black jeans. A guy from high school came in with a basket covered in a white handkerchief. In the basket was a pistol and some figurines, they were porcelain children, sort of like Hummels. He wanted to sell them. My manager said, no. I talked to my manager, telling him I'd known Nick since junior high and that he was alright, so he bought the basket. After Nick had gone one of my coworkers was picking on me about him. I went home to my parents house and was in the kitchen. My mother was at the table, only it wasn't really Mummy, just the mother of my dream. She looked a bit like Marie Osmond, plump, with dark curly hair, fair skin, and a beautiful smile. I remember her magenta lipstick. She was wearing a sweater, red and black. Susan, another girl from junior high, was with her. I told them about Nick, and Susan said that he had women and children all over the country. They both were laughing. Mummy wanted to know how that made him so different from me, minus the children, and they were roaring with laughter.  

I did not record this dream last week, but I'd dreamt that there were vagrants everywhere. It was very stony, and there were even bums coming out of the water. They all seemed to be balding white men with dark hair. I had to kill a couple of them which is why I did not record the dream. I stabbed them. 

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Unsolved National Park Disappearances Series

Suicide, Luciferians (politicians), Faeries, sink holes, & Bigfoot...  That's what I figure... 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Thursday, November 10, 2022

She's Out of Control

Run To You

Dreams 11/9

So many dreams to document, let's see what I remember. First, I was with Ron in a dark motel. He was a grifter. I think there was a white woman with a short brown ponytail, a swimming pool, and an orange cat, but if I try to fill-in the details on that one, I fear I'll be making them up, so I'll go on to the next, which was the most interesting. I was in an old town with cobblestone streets. I think it was Denmark. I was dressed in old-fashioned clothes: long skirt, blouse, vest, complete with a babushka. I believe I was young. I was in and out of a public office due to some sort of scandal. It involved a sort of "maid or maiden". Once again, everything was dimly lit. This went on for some time until I went outside the door of the office, on to the street, and found a burlap bundle on the doorstep. It looked like a body, but was only about two feet long. I picked it up, and it was warm and moving, so I was cradling it like a child, making sure I was supporting the head. I brought it in to the office and sat down on the wooden bench and unwrapped it. It was a little naked white woman with short dark blonde hair in tight curls. She had very bright eyes and told me to, "run", so I did. Now, I was in Italy on a kind of a field trip with a group. I remember I did not have a lot of money. I bought a little blue owl knickknack with multicolored feathers. It looked Venetian, but I don't think I was in Venice. Next, I was still dressed the same, but seemed to be in a more modern building. I knew I was in Ireland. I was barefoot, so found my little flat black leather shoes. I had to pee, so was looking for a toilet. I found one in the back, only it had glass walls. I had to pee so bad, I did not care, but somehow my breasts were exposed as I did so, and there was a perverted white man, thin, with short greasy grey hair, watching me. When I left the toilet, and I'm just calling it that, as I don't even recall a sink, the pervert said something to me, and I told him off. Now, I was in the front of the shop, and the rest of the group was there. The shop was full of things like crystals and silver jewelry, and was very expensive. I was looking at a big crystal slab that was polished and cut like a corner stone. It was probably eight inches long and three-and-a-half inches wide at its widest. It looked something like Labradorite, with its grey inclusions, like smoke, but I think it was only rutilated quartz. It was marked $65,000, so I stopped looking at prices and only browsed at this point, figuring I could not afford anything in the shop. Meanwhile, my group was lining-up at the cash register with their little souvenirs. We seemed to be on a tight schedule and in a rush. I was looking in a mirror and a shop keeper with brown bobbed hair and a purple sweater asked me how old I was. I told her I was older than I looked. She said she was asking as I "had a question mark above my head". One of the items I recall from the shop, besides all of the crystal pendants, was a big silver moth. It was beautiful. A man came in and took out some of the group members. The same shop keeper told me they were not properly dressed, that their breast were exposed. The cashier was then talking to her, telling her the Trumps had been in town, but had skipped the shop entirely.  Now, we poured out of the shop on to our next stop. At this point I recall my friend, Brett, from grade school, was there. We were in another shop, only it seemed unattended. There were lots of glass cases encircling the counter. I remember a peach onyx bowl, and I told Brett I had a little one like that and that I liked it a lot. I do. There were also some bookmarks, they looked as if they were from The Book of Kells. Brett said he was determined to bring back souvenirs for everybody, and I was remembering that his family was Irish. But, we were rushed into a line for an outdoor concert and lunch. Brett was pretty put-off. There were a couple of boys at the end of the line using a cash machine that looked as if it came straight from a casino. They were counting two-hundred dollars, and their money was shuffled like cards. Now, I had my beast on. It's a long leather lined coat that looks Native American. I was outside, and it was a clear bright day. One of my tour guides, a white woman, probably in her thirties, with her dark hair pulled back, in a navy short set, grabbed a hold of my hand, and was leaning against me. She told me not to go, and I was thinking she was holding me up. She had a little dead looking sapling in one hand that had been uprooted. She was with a man, and I think he was Irish. I was thinking how I had to get into another line for lunch when I woke. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Dreams 11/7


Dreamt I was living in a trailer park, and my neighbor had a load of cats: grey and white spotted, tabbies... She'd let them run through my trailer. I know there was more to the dream, but I'd dreamt it early in the night and have forgotten the details. 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Boom Boom Ba

Doctor's Ladies

 Doctor's Ladies

Lancaster County Doll Show 11/6


Got an antique Asian ivory physician's model at the doll show today. Here are some more of that lady's dolls. They had really nice prices, and I got to see the new Monster High Frankenstein couple. They're nice. Had some delicious corn chowder, there. The trees are nearly bare so saw a falcon, two buzzards, a big raven, and a couple of Red Tails. Plus, Shiner got a new bed, big enough to fit his cloud in. He's happy. Very fun day. 

Antique Asian Ivory Physician Models  

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Eggplant Parmigiana

This stuff is off the hook. I made it in the oven on tin foil with a bit of olive oil. 

Eggplant Parmigiana

Friday, November 4, 2022

Hex Yeah Season Five

Wrongfully Accused

Dreams 11/4

 Last night I'd dreamt of my ex in my parents' basement. Tonight's dream was pretty epic. Sure I won't recall all the details. It took place in an old mansion. I did not know the other players in real life, but there was at least a girl and male twins. I was younger. I remember being out on the grounds at night and somebody was after the girl and me.  Inside, the house was huge, and things were no different. Something in the walls was trying to get us. Run or hide we could not escape the thing in the walls. It seemed to know the house too well. Finally, and I don't remember how, it was revealed as the very mentally challenged twin of the girl's older brother. He had greasy hair, was dirty, and dressed in a long white nightgown. Seemed that neither of the siblings knew he ever existed. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Vintage Autumn Music, Volume III

Dreams 11/2


Dreamt of my old roommate, Frankie Stein, and Colonel Klink. We were at school and leaving for a trip. For some reason Kelly and Frankie could not get past Colonel Klink and his detectors. Their hands and feet were showing up red. Klink was very suspicious. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Dreams 11/1

 Dreamt I was young and living back in my childhood friends house. I had missed the bus, so Mummy had to take me to school. I was wearing a long blue cotton smock type of dress and had dirty bare feet. I could not find my shoes. I'd put on some brown owl socks and saw some brown leather clogs, but knew I had gym class so was looking for some blue matching tennis shoes. There was a boy in the closet of my bedroom, (and it could have been Dusty from Stranger Things, not sure), who was trying to help me find them. 

Dreams 10/31

 Couple of pretty bad dreams on a very stormy Halloween night. First, I dreamt I was living in this house with my brother. We were young. It was Halloween night, and my parents were away for a neighborhood fall get-together. For some reason we had a large chest of drawers pushed against the front door. I soon found out why. Two white men in their thirties pushed in the door. The one had brown hair. They were really surprised to see us, and supposedly I knew that the one's father was a cop because I told them that our parents were at the meeting with his dad. They started backing out the door, rather sheepishly, and asked if they could have some of the candy that I had in a bucket outside the door. 

Next, I was in the house back in Oakland, only my ex was not there, rather I had a very good-looking boyfriend with dark hair. A lot of people, including Mummy were gathered in the kitchen. They were attempting to make dinner but were low on ingredients. Mummy and I were trying to make a meatloaf, but there wasn't enough. My boyfriend saw a naked Himstedt doll on the floor and asked if he could have her.