Friday, March 3, 2023

Doll Land Welcome

Brooke's cousin, Dirty Water, has just come to Doll Land. I suppose I'm long past due for some Brooke Shields paper dolls, too... I got a subscription to Antique Doll Collector for my birthday as well as Florence Theriault's Dolls, A Moveable Feast, on the way: all pretty inspiring. Just discovered there is a Brooke Shields Prom doll, too. She looks as if she is another completely different sculpt, too. I know her hair and paint are different. I would say Sun Tanned Brooke's hair is better: shinier. Do not brush Brooke's hair. My childhood one has a fro thanks to that. Also, and I don't know if this is the case with Sun Tan or not, but I won't risk it, Brooke has bad legs, so do not bend them. The original Brooke is my third, as my childhood one, and then another I picked up at a flea market in high school, dressed in blue, both have broken legs that won't hold glue. I won't even change my latest Brooke's clothes, although Sun Tan came in a nice yellow and white swimsuit that I carefully removed. I was lucky enough to get both of these ladies never removed from box. They came to me, so maybe Prom might, some day, too. Guess we'll call her River Manhattan. Dirty also comes with sunglasses and a beach bag. I think they're beautiful and both look like Brooke. 

Potpourri and Fragrant Crafts

  Ron had gotten me Betsy Williams's Are There Fairies in the Bottom of Your Garden?  from the witch at The Green Dragon that he buys me...